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  1. v158 Re: PHP Fatal error: Undefined constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALDP_MERCHANT_COUNTRY

    This is still an issue in 2.0.

    [21-Apr-2024 21:24:22 America/New_York] Request URI: /admin/index.php?cmd=modules&set=payment, IP address:
    --> PHP Fatal error: Uncaught...
  2. Re: Could not update to version 1.5.2. We detect that you currently have v1.5.0, and

    Ok, so I rolled back the account and used the zc_install from 1.5.8 to get it to there, and it worked fine.

    Then updated with the 2.0.0 zc_installed and that got me there.

    Not a fix but a...
  3. Re: Could not update to version 1.5.2. We detect that you currently have v1.5.0, and

    What's weird here is the updater is saying 1.5.1 was complete. So im thinking that 1.5.1 updater may have not update the check file for the next installer as its only seeing 1.5.0.

    See attached
  4. Re: Could not update to version 1.5.2. We detect that you currently have v1.5.0, and

    SW, would you please remove that log above, I need to get some things out of there?
  5. Could not update to version 1.5.2. We detect that you currently have v1.5.0, and must

    Upgrading ZC site to version 2. Running database upgrades from the zc_install folder.

    It gets hung up on the 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 Step with the following error:

    Could not update to version 1.5.2. We...
  6. v158 Re: PHP Fatal error: Undefined constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALDP_MERCHANT_COUNTRY

    Ok so I tried updating line 264 like this.

  7. v158 PHP Fatal error: Undefined constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALDP_MERCHANT_COUNTRY

    Zencart 1.5.8a - PHP 8.2 - No Plugins - Fresh install w/upgraded DB

    Hello, I am getting this error with a fresh install and upgraded database.

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined...
  8. Replies

    Zen Cart 2.0 Update


    Just wondering if there is an update on the release date for 2.0. Roadmap still says this:

    I looked on the discussion page and didn't see anything.


  9. Replies

    v158 Re: Override Logic - ZC Template System

    Very cool, is there a release date for 2.0?

    Would you point me to the logic in ZC, so I can check it out ?
  10. Replies

    v158 Override Logic - ZC Template System

    Somewhere in the code there is some logic that looks for whichever page is called in:

    1. The Custom Template.


    2. The Default Template.

    Is there a way to modify the logic that it...
  11. Replies

    Sticky: Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Hello, Can EP4 create linked products? What is the best method?

  12. v155 Re: Green Check Marks Newsletter Mailer - After Server Move

    OK, so the issue was with the ob_flush() function, here is what I had to do to get this working again.

    1. Disabled Apache GZip Compression (mod_deflate)
    2. Disabled PHP-FPM
    3. Set these...
  13. v155 Green Check Marks Newsletter Mailer - After Server Move

    Just recently moved Zencart to a new vps on same parent server. Now the newsletter mailer is not showing the green check marks one at a time anymore. It seems to be waiting until the entire loop...
  14. v157 Re: Create a custom attribute - Price Translation

    It would be IP controlled.
  15. v157 Re: Create a custom attribute - Price Translation

    The goal would be to submit an item to the shopping cart at any price on the fly from the front-end of the website. With the price by attributes method, I would need to create an option value for...
  16. v157 Create a custom attribute - Price Translation

    I'd like to create a custom attribute based off the existing text attribute model.

    I want this new attribute to display a text box where I could input a price into the field.

    Then once it is...
  17. NUMINIX FedEx Web Services Module - Sort by lowest rate

    Is there way to sort the fedex results so the cheapest is on the top in the shipping estimator on the shopping cart page?

  18. v157 Re: UPS and USPS are charging store more than zen cart is charging customer.

    Do you know what dimensions UPS will base the rate in the estimator on since they are no dimensions are specified?
  19. Replies

    Sticky: Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread


    I had the same issue with UPC codes, it's a pain.

    Here is how I solved it.

    I added UPC before every code in the database, so instead of this -> 697666007421 in the db it was this...
  20. v156 Re: Product Image uploader Sub Categories

    Yeah, that's a good point and solution, we can chalk one up to Proper Planning.

    It's a bit different than traditional file organization, but it works. Especially for small sites.

    Will new...
  21. v156 Re: Product Image uploader Sub Categories

    Only issue I see right now is that some folders would NEED to be skipped.

    This is how it would render:

  22. v156 Re: Product Image uploader Sub Categories

    Here's what I put together, seems to work so far.

    Not sure about bigger picture stuff.

    function new_zen_build_subdirectories_array($parent_folder = '', $default_text = 'Main Directory') {...
  23. v156 Re: Product Image uploader Sub Categories

    Yes, I want to select where the images upload to and include sub folders in the images directory.
  24. v156 Re: Product Image uploader Sub Categories

    These are core ZC functions that create the dropdown list on the edit product or new product page.

    The dropdown gives upload locations for the images by reading the images directory's contained...
  25. v156 Product Image upload to SubDirectories?

    PHP Version: 7.1.33 -- ZC 156

    Hello, is there way to modify zen_draw_pull_down_menu or zen_build_subdirectories_array or create an extra function to loop through all subfolders in the images...
  26. Replies

    v156 Which HTML Editor for Admin?

    Which HTML editor is the best for the backend?

    I used them a while back and remember them bloating the code quite a bit.

    I'm looking for one that is basic, so that my users can do basic html....
  27. Sticky: v155 Re: Responsive Classic (built in to Zen Cart v1.5.5) [Support Thread]

    Ok, scratch that, is there a way to make the links with submenus only link to the submenu and not the page.

    Category counts are turned off

  28. Sticky: v155 Re: Responsive Classic (built in to Zen Cart v1.5.5) [Support Thread]

    With the Mobile Menu in responsive classic, is there a setting or code to get more than 2 levels deep?

  29. 1.5.6c Admin Configuration Converting Characters

    In Admin configuration I have noticed some fields that are converting some characters to html equivalents and then the html equivalents will get duplicated. For example in email options using this...
  30. EP4 - MySQLi error 1366: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'products_price'

    ZC 1.5.6c - PHP 7.2 - EP4 only plugin

    When uploading new products with EP4, I get this error:

    MySQLi error 1366: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'products_price' at row 1
  31. Sticky: v155 Re: Responsive Classic (built in to Zen Cart v1.5.5) [Support Thread]


    I was using YOUR_TEMPLATE for the purpose of the example. Although, awesome_dawson is pretty sweet ;)

    I was just hoping by now that ZenCart had a more elegant way to build off the...
  32. Sticky: v155 Re: Responsive Classic (built in to Zen Cart v1.5.5) [Support Thread]


    Thanks for the quick response.

    With this method, does this leave me with a YOUR_TEMPLATE containing all of responsive_classic overrides within?

  33. Sticky: v155 Re: Responsive Classic (built in to Zen Cart v1.5.5) [Support Thread]

    Is there a way to use the responsive_classic as the template default and then have a custom template that overrides responsive_classic ?

  34. Replies

    v155 Re: Spam - fake customers

    This is happening to me also. 3 different sites on 3 different servers. All started happening around the same time. Roughly a week ago. March 23rd ish.
  35. Replies

    Re: UPS Rates not showing

    Check out this thread:
  36. v154 Re: UPS Estimator Stopped Working

    In includes/modules/shipping/ups.php, I updated line 453 from this

    if ($http->Connect('', 80)) {

    to this
  37. v154 Re: UPS Estimator Stopped Working

    Same exact issue, same time and date, any update?
  38. Replies

    UPS Rates not showing

    Trying to fix an extremely old version of Zencart. 1.3.8a.

    UPS rates stopped showing over the weekend.

    When I turn on debug in the UPS module, I get this -> 10.4.5 404 Not Found. The server...
  39. Replies

    1.5.5f UPS Shipping Module


    I found a few things on the plugins page but, which plugin is the basic UPS shipping module, like with older versions?

    Thank You
  40. v155 Re: 1.5.5f log files not writing to log folder

    I just moved a 1.5.5F site from my dev server to production server.

    Both running php71 and php-fhm.

    Dev server sends logs to the traditional logs folder.

    Production server sends to home...
  41. Re: Zen-cart 155f + MacOS Safari Version 11.1 (13605. Admin problems

    I used MC's solution, worked perfect.
  42. v155 Re: 1.5.5f log files not writing to log folder

    Is there a way to fix this where the logs go to the logs folder as before?

  43. Replies

    Re: PAYPAL_CURL Files

    DB, I work with and rescue many of ZenCart sites, especially from business owners who have outdated installations created by auto-installers. I choose to rebuild those sites with new versions of...
  44. Replies

    Re: PAYPAL_CURL log Files

    It appears that the PayPal_Curl files are still being produced but they are going to modules/payment/paypal/logs. I can't identify why the destination location has changed but the file dates seems to...
  45. Replies

    Re: PAYPAL_CURL Files

    Sorry db, The site that's being replaced is 1.3.8a.

    I am rebuilding the new one in 1.5.5f from scratch. Not upgrading. The 138a is the current one with the cache question.

    Thanks Again.
  46. Replies

    Re: PAYPAL_CURL Files

    Correct, I'm working with a client on upgrading their installation at the same time implementing some payment changes on the current site.

    In the process noticed that the PayPal_Curl files had...
  47. Replies

    PAYPAL_CURL log Files

    PAYPAL_CURL_xxxxxxxx.log files used to appear in the root/cache folder.

    They have stopped showing there. Not sure if they were turned off at some point or if there is another issue.

  48. Replies

    Sticky: Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Thank you for the quick response.

    I will start digging into the export for some ideas and to get a feel for how it's written.

    As a related followup question, is there a simple way to change...
  49. Replies

    Sticky: Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Is there a way to add custom product fields into a NEW table (ie:) zen_products_custom that will work with EP4 import/export?


  50. Replies

    Re: Error: Database upgrade from 1.3.8a

    mc12345678 changes worked great. Thank You !!

    I also had to make these changes.

    1. Lines 57 & 58 in -> mysql_upgrade_zencart_150.sql ------------------------------


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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR