
Type: Posts; User: creamcrackers

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  1. Replies

    v151 Re: Flower Templates Support Thread

    Hi - Just to confirm you can download the Zen Cart florist/flowers templates here

    You can see screenshots here -
  2. Replies

    v151 Flower Templates Support Thread

    This is the support thread for the free Zen Cart florist/flower shop themes, posted here:
  3. v150 Re: 2checkout new one page checkout - its asking for shipping address on intangible p

    bump :(
  4. v150 Re: 2checkout new one page checkout - its asking for shipping address on intangible p

    i really cant get my head around why zc is sending this as a tangible product.
  5. v150 Re: 2checkout new one page checkout - its asking for shipping address on intangible p

    Ive got it set up for every product so it says

    Warning: This product is marked - Free Shipping and Skips Shipping Address
    No shipping will be requested when all products in the order are Virtual...
  6. v150 Re: 2checkout new one page checkout - its asking for shipping address on intangible p

    I am using the FEC - fast easy checkout from numinix. Could that be effecting it?
  7. v150 Re: 2checkout new one page checkout - its asking for shipping address on intangible p

    Im using the 2checkout module. Product weight 0 and set up as intangible downloadable product. No individual URLs specified at the product level.

    This was working fine.. but since u put on the...
  8. v150 2checkout new one page checkout - its asking for shipping address on intangible prods

    Ive got products set with shipping weight 0 and.. yes skip shipping address set up (so that are virtual)

    With the new 2checkout one page checkout they launched about 3 days ago.. it is asking for...
  9. v150 Re: Adding a buy now button to products in listing that have options

    sorry seems my /cpanel was resolving to my old server and changes werent appearing.

    I got it to work.. but actually id like to have a custom button in there. How can i make a custom button for it?...
  10. v150 Re: Adding a buy now button to products in listing that have options

    Thanks - but the product_listing.php isnt being called at all for some reason. Ive tried renaming the file and also the file by same name in my templates folder. The site still works.

    Im using...
  11. v150 Re: Adding a buy now button to products in listing that have options

    awesome thanks
  12. v150 Adding a buy now button to products in listing that have options


    All of my products have options so in category listing you dont see any buy now buttons.

    I think its confusing to some customers as they have to click on the product name (link) to get to...
  13. v150 Re: Zen Cart 1.5 is not in UTF8? My one isnt

    Im not getting this because the link says

    Also edit your two configure.php files to set DB_CHARSET to 'latin1' instead of 'utf8'
    (add the line if it doesn't exist):
  14. Replies

    Re: Price Updater

    Im using this on ZC1.5

    I just got my site shut down by hosting as they say /dpu_ajax.php is using too many server resources

    My site gets 1000 page views per day and according to AW stats...
  15. v150 Customer cant edit attributes after add to cart?

    Im using text attributes to collect some information like greeting message and delivery date (for flower shop)

    Often customers change what they want to put in there and after adding to cart click...
  16. Replies

    v150 Florist Shopping Cart

    I own the copyright to many flower images with white backgrounds. I am offering a service where I install Zen Cart along with customisations and pictures of my products in there for use by...
  17. Replies

    v150 Sort Order By Populatiry?

    Just wondering if its possible to display items in category according to their popularity

    In other words, best selling items at the top of products listing page in category

  18. Replies

    v150 Custom ALT tags

    Im just wondering if theres a way to do custom alt tags for pictures

    Im using ZC to sell some photos and i want them listed in google images which looks at the alt tag.

    By default it is...
  19. v150 Selling downloads - need random filename?

    Ive used ZC for a while now but this is first time ive tried to sell downloadable product

    Ive set the download folder to 755 and the download files to 644

    if my file is called they...
  20. Replies

    v150 Easy Populate For Virual Products?

    I need to populate a load of virtual products into my database. There are a number of easy populate contributions. Which one is best for putting in virtual products? I am a bit confused.
  21. v150 Running a javascript in sidebox (for google translate)

    I set up google translate for my site at

    I need to :

    Place this meta tag before the closing </head>
    <meta name="google-translate-customization"...
  22. Replies

    Re: Enter Text "Attribute" Possible?

    I fixed it using these instructions

    it did say error when i ran the sql but it seems to work...
  23. Replies

    Re: Enter Text "Attribute" Possible?


    Here are the settings I made. Its set to yes: Attribute required for texts. But on the product www.go go flori st [dot] [com]/love-romance/9-roses-lucky

    Its possible to add to cart...
  24. Replies

    Re: Enter Text "Attribute" Possible?

    Thank you!
    Ive got all this to work but i cant get it to make it a required field. I see the red box where to select it as required.. but its still possible to add it to the cart without entering...
  25. Replies

    Re: Enter Text "Attribute" Possible?

    Oh i think ive answered my question there is a text attribute i dont know how i missed it. When adding it to the product in attributes controller i select the option in the red box Attribute Required...
  26. Replies

    Enter Text "Attribute" Possible?

    Id like to have, on each of my product description pages where they add to card and select options - an option, well actually a required option for them to enter some text.

    The reason its a...
  27. Replies

    v150 Executing PHP in sideboxes

    Ive already seen the thread with the hack for executing PHP in EZ pages.

    I want to run PHP code in my blank sidebox. How can i do this?

  28. v150 I moved hosting and now 2checkout stopped working

    Ive been using 2checkout payment module for a long time and it worked perfectly.

    I moved hosting and it stopped working. Its possible to make a sale but at end of sale process the customer is...
  29. Replies

    v150 Re: Image Handler 4 Support Thread

    Ive just moved IH4 on my ZC1.5 to a new host
    IH is not working for some reason. Ive chmod 777 all image and bmz images and folders. Im getting the old images showing.

    When i moved my site i...
  30. Replies

    Re: Speeding up with a CDN , in this case Max CDN?

    Im using cloudflare too but that works differently

    I want to have my header image and another image on my index page running from max cdn as its faster. For the main image i can just paste in...
  31. Replies

    Can I use Max CDN?

    Ive seen a similar thread on this but it was back in 2010 and nobody had an answer for it. So maybe something changed?

    Ive already tried using cloudflare which has reduced my first page load time...
  32. Re: Removing checkout link from FEC checkout page

    Its not an add-on. Its part of zen cart. I think you call it "order comments". Which is available on the final checkout page.
    What i mean is. - on a normal checkout proceedure page there is an...
  33. Re: Removing checkout link from checkout page

    should i put only that line in the css and what should i call the stylesheet? Thanks
  34. Re: Removing checkout link from checkout page

    I should add - its probably more of an issue for me as i have modified the checkout page so that the "message to seller" box is at the top of the page, not the bottom - but nevertheless i really dont...
  35. Removing checkout link from FEC checkout page

    Im using numinix fast easy checkout mod - but i think its the same with normal checkout using the template i have (pure blue template)

    At the top of the checkout page you get this

    On the...
  36. Replies

    Do I need this @ symbol?

    Hi Everyone

    In includes/languages/mylanguage/mylanguage.php

    // look in your $PATH_LOCALE/locale directory for available locales..

    or should it be

    // look in your...
  37. Replies

    Search EZ Pages?

    Is it possible to have the search to search content in ez pages? Thanks
  38. Re: ZC 1.5 UTF8 Collation standard now?

    Also I did ask Numinix to fix this for me a while ago - but they were unable to do it because my site doesnt have a Super Admin. It only has Super Users and they said it was not possible to check it...
  39. Re: ZC 1.5 UTF8 Collation standard now?

    Thanks. Actually I did follow those steps but i ended up with a blank screen I think due to Simple SEO URL being installed and having compatibility issues and due to their install manager it wasnt...
  40. Re: ZC 1.5 UTF8 Collation standard now?

    Im getting seriously .... off with ZC. Why is it so complicated?? Wordpress you just click a button to install stuff.
    I feel ZC should come to the end of its life and be replaced with something...
  41. Re: ZC 1.5 UTF8 Collation standard now?

    When it was a 1.3 site i did this

    To upgrade to 1.5 i couldnt get my head around how to upgrade. So what i did was get delete all the files and database...
  42. Re: ZC 1.5 UTF8 Collation standard now?

    Thanks - yes but the link tells you how to turn it to latin/iso.. not to turn the site to utf8

    I now have utf8 added to the config file. English file is utf8. Its not working. What can i do?
  43. Re: ZC 1.5 UTF8 Collation standard now?

    I am confused that article seems to be telling me to convert it to latin/ISO NOT to change it to UTF8

    All the settings in my english.php ARE already for utf8
    My configure.php has NO MENTION...
  44. Replies

    v150 Re: Suggestions to increase the speed?

    Used cloudflare its free and sped my site up 50%
  45. Replies

    v150 Re: Image Handler 4 (for v1.5.x) Support Thread

    Since installing image handler 4 the scrips i had in common/tpl_main_page.php are no longer working. They are still there in the files but its like image handler 4 is preventing them from displaying...
  46. Installed image handler 4 - and now scripts in my tpl_main_page.php not running

    Ive got some google analytics code, adroll and google remarketing code in my tpl_main_page.php

    Since installing Image Handler 4 it has stopped working

    I cant figure out why. The code is still...
  47. Replies

    v150 Re: Suggestions to increase the speed of my zen cart

    here is google suggestions
  48. Replies

    v150 Re: Suggestions to increase the speed of my zen cart

    oh my site is go go florist [dot] com
  49. Replies

    v150 Suggestions to increase the speed?

    Ive been through all the main things like using Image handler 4, using the minify css/js loader by numinix, ive moved to a vps with 1024mb ram.

    im not sure the css/js is working though as im...
  50. Replies

    v150 Re: Image Handler 4 Support Thread

    Oh ok was because of the file permissions on cache and images! thanks
Results 1 to 50 of 228
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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR