
Type: Posts; User: earthdoctor

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  1. Re: Updating 'live' site database from 'development' site

    Thanks - seems like a good, fairly fool-proof, way to start, and then look at doing something like Wickedklown suggests below, to be instigated when I'm more confident - at the moment I think I might...
  2. Updating 'live' site database from 'development' site

    I am developing and maintaining a site for a customer. The customer will be adding (including images) / updating products and prices, and nothing else, on the 'live' site. I will be doing all other...
  3. Replies

    Re: What should I upload to the 'live' site?

    Thanks for the help - the Wiki link put it very clearly.
  4. Replies

    Re: uploading from development server to live server

    I think I can now mostly answer my own query, but if I'm wrong or anyone can add anything useful to it, please continue this thread!

    I need to export the development database, upload it to the...
  5. Replies

    What should I upload to the 'live' site?

    This is my first time, so please be gentle!

    I have a new site on my development box at home, which is currently identical to the live hosted site. When I have made changes via the admin menus on...
Results 1 to 5 of 5
Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR