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  1. #1
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    help question PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    Maybe I'm unable to see the forest for the trees... I can go through the checkout process using PayPal Express Checkout and I receive email notification of my order from my site but PayPal does not recognize any of the activity.

    I'm running Zen Cart 1.3.8a.

    I have dubug on and am receiving loads of emails, all of which are Greek to me (Italian I can handle... But Greek is Greek!) I'm not sure what debug messages to post, mostly because I'm concerned about posting sensitive info. Here's a sanitized PayPal Debug Log:

    2008-08-26 10:08:27
    (live transaction) -->
    Request Headers:
    [0] => Content-Type: text/namevalue
    [1] => X-VPS-Timeout: 45
    [2] => X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type: PHP/cURL
    [3] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product: PHP::Zen Cart - WPP-NVP
    [4] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version: 1.3.8a

    Request Parameters: {GetExpressCheckoutDetails}
    [TOKEN] => ++++++++++++++++
    [METHOD] => GetExpressCheckoutDetails
    [USER] => ++++++
    [PWD] => ****************
    [VERSION] => 3.2
    [SIGNATURE] => ****************************************************Qgg4

    [TOKEN] => +++++++++
    [TIMESTAMP] => 2008-08-26T14:08:28Z
    [CORRELATIONID] => ++++++
    [ACK] => Success
    [VERSION] => 3.2
    [BUILD] => 671339
    [EMAIL] => [email protected]
    [PAYERID] => +++++++++++
    [PAYERSTATUS] => unverified
    [FIRSTNAME] => nome
    [LASTNAME] => cognome
    [SHIPTONAME] => nome
    [SHIPTOSTREET] => Borgo san Jacopo
    [SHIPTOCITY] => Firenze
    [SHIPTOSTATE] => Firenze
    [SHIPTOZIP] => 50125
    [ADDRESSSTATUS] => Unconfirmed
    [CURL_ERRORS] =>
    Thanks for any help!!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    1. In your Admin, under Customers->Orders, the 2nd column shows the payment module name and the shipping module name ... what module is showing for the order that you didn't see data in PayPal?

    2. You posted a log for "GetExpressCheckoutDetails". What's in your "DoExpressCheckout" log?

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
    1. In your Admin, under Customers->Orders, the 2nd column shows the payment module name and the shipping module name ... what module is showing for the order that you didn't see data in PayPal?

    2. You posted a log for "GetExpressCheckoutDetails". What's in your "DoExpressCheckout" log?
    Thanks for taking the time to help...

    Customers>Orders>Payment Shipping reads:
    Hmmm... Should that not mention PayPal?

    Concerning the DoExpressCheckout log: I went through the error emails I received and through the logs at includes/modules/payment/paypal/logs/ but do not see one by that name Here is the SetExpressCheckout log (although not necessarily from the same order. I've had one actual order that was not recognized by PayPal and now numerous Live test orders):

    Request Parameters: {SetExpressCheckout}
    [AMT] => 21.55
    [RETURNURL] =>
    [CANCELURL] =>
    [PAGESTYLE] => Primary
    [METHOD] => SetExpressCheckout
    [USER] => ++++++++++++++
    [PWD] => ****************
    [VERSION] => 3.2
    [SIGNATURE] => ****************************************************Qgg4

    [TOKEN] => EC-96N9+++++++
    [TIMESTAMP] => 2008-08-26T11:40:46Z
    [CORRELATIONID] => 89++++++
    [ACK] => Success
    [VERSION] => 3.2
    [BUILD] => 671339
    [CURL_ERRORS] =>
    Also, I want to mention that PayPal is able to recognize my presence to some degree because when I place a live test order using a certain virtual credit card, PayPal pings the account associated with that card for $1.00 to verify that the account exists.

    And just because it has some interesting transaction information, here is the PayPal test Log - terminateEC-A log:

    goto page: checkout_confirmation

    Session data: Array
    [securityToken] => ++++++++++++++
    [customers_host_address] =>
    [cartID] =>
    [cart] => shoppingCart Object
    [contents] => Array
    [30] => Array
    [qty] => 1


    [total] => 22
    [weight] => 7.8
    [content_type] =>
    [free_shipping_item] => 0
    [free_shipping_weight] => 0
    [free_shipping_price] => 0
    [observers] => Array


    [navigation] => navigationHistory Object
    [path] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [page] => logoff
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array


    [1] => Array
    [page] => product_info
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array
    [cPath] => 5_8
    [products_id] => 30

    [post] => Array


    [2] => Array
    [page] => checkout_shipping
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array


    [3] => Array
    [page] => login
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array


    [4] => Array
    [page] => index
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array
    [type] => ec
    [token] => EC-+++++++++++
    [PayerID] => +++++++++

    [post] => Array



    [snapshot] => Array
    [page] => checkout_shipping
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array

    [post] => Array


    [observers] => Array


    [check_valid] => true
    [language] => english
    [languages_id] => 1
    [languages_code] => en
    [currency] => EUR
    [today_is] => 2008-08-26
    [updateExpirations] => 1
    [session_counter] => 1
    [customers_ip_address] => +++++++++
    [new_products_id_in_cart] =>
    [messageToStack] =>
    [payment] => paypalwpp
    [cot_gv] => 0
    [paypal_ec_token] => EC-+++++++++++L
    [paypal_ec_payer_id] => AZS7KQ22YPNRJ
    [paypal_ec_payer_info] => Array
    [payer_id] => +++++++++++
    [payer_email] => [email protected]
    [payer_salutation] =>
    [payer_gender] =>
    [payer_firstname] => +++++
    [payer_lastname] => ++++++++
    [payer_business] =>
    [payer_status] => unverified
    [ship_country_code] => IT
    [ship_address_status] => Unconfirmed
    [ship_phone] =>
    [ship_name] => +++++
    [ship_street_1] => Borgo san Jacopo
    [ship_street_2] =>
    [ship_city] => Firenze
    [ship_state] => Firenze
    [ship_postal_code] => 50125
    [ship_country_name] => Italy

    [customer_guest_id] => 10
    [paypal_ec_temp] =>
    [customer_id] => 10
    [customer_default_address_id] => 11
    [customer_first_name] => +++++++++
    [customer_country_id] => 105
    [customer_zone_id] => 0
    [sendto] => 11
    [billto] => 11
    [shipping] => Array
    [id] => zones_zones
    [title] => Zone Based Rates - First Class Post (*Uninsured -
    Customer accepts risk* There is optional insurance at checkout. Shipping to
    IT (1 x 7.80Grams))
    [cost] => 3.5
    [module] => zones


    Session data: Array
    [securityToken] => +++++++++++++
    [customers_host_address] =>
    [cartID] =>
    [cart] => shoppingCart Object
    [contents] => Array
    [30] => Array
    [qty] => 1


    [total] => 22
    [weight] => 7.8
    [content_type] =>
    [free_shipping_item] => 0
    [free_shipping_weight] => 0
    [free_shipping_price] => 0
    [observers] => Array


    [navigation] => navigationHistory Object
    [path] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [page] => logoff
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array


    [1] => Array
    [page] => product_info
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array
    [cPath] => 5_8
    [products_id] => 30

    [post] => Array


    [2] => Array
    [page] => checkout_shipping
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array


    [3] => Array
    [page] => login
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array


    [4] => Array
    [page] => index
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array
    [type] => ec
    [token] => EC-+++++++++++++
    [PayerID] => +++++++++++

    [post] => Array



    [snapshot] => Array
    [page] => checkout_shipping
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array

    [post] => Array


    [observers] => Array


    [check_valid] => true
    [language] => english
    [languages_id] => 1
    [languages_code] => en
    [currency] => EUR
    [today_is] => 2008-08-26
    [updateExpirations] => 1
    [session_counter] => 1
    [customers_ip_address] => 151.++++++++++
    [new_products_id_in_cart] =>
    [messageToStack] =>
    [payment] => paypalwpp
    [cot_gv] => 0
    [paypal_ec_token] => EC-++++++++++
    [paypal_ec_payer_id] => +++++++++++
    [paypal_ec_payer_info] => Array
    [payer_id] => ++++++++++++
    [payer_email] => ++++++++++
    [payer_salutation] =>
    [payer_gender] =>
    [payer_firstname] => +++
    [payer_lastname] => ++++++++++
    [payer_business] =>
    [payer_status] => unverified
    [ship_country_code] => IT
    [ship_address_status] => Unconfirmed
    [ship_phone] =>
    [ship_name] => +++++++++
    [ship_street_1] => +++++++++++
    [ship_street_2] =>
    [ship_city] => Firenze
    [ship_state] => Firenze
    [ship_postal_code] => 50125
    [ship_country_name] => Italy

    [customer_guest_id] => 10
    [paypal_ec_temp] =>
    [customer_id] => 10
    [customer_default_address_id] => 11
    [customer_first_name] => ++++++++++
    [customer_country_id] => 105
    [customer_zone_id] => 0
    [sendto] => 11
    [billto] => 11
    [shipping] => Array
    [id] => zones_zones
    [title] => Zone Based Rates - First Class Post (*Uninsured -
    Customer accepts risk* There is optional insurance at checkout. Shipping to
    IT (1 x 7.80Grams))
    [cost] => 3.5
    [module] => zones


    Thanks again!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    In Admin->Modules->Payment, do you have any modules "installed" but "disabled"? If so, why?
    Does the problem disappear if you click "Remove" for all the modules you're not actually currently using?

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
    In Admin->Modules->Payment, do you have any modules "installed" but "disabled"? If so, why?
    Does the problem disappear if you click "Remove" for all the modules you're not actually currently using?
    That did the trick! Sure enough there was a manual credit card (hence the cc) module installed but de-activated from when I was initially setting up the store and prior to PayPal installation.

    Thank you very much for your help!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    i had exactly the same problem with orders being placed but nothing showing up in paypal account - i uninstalled the other payment modules rather than having them disabled and bobs yer uncle the payment system worked

    just writing this in case someone else sees this thread

  7. #7
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
    In Admin->Modules->Payment, do you have any modules "installed" but "disabled"? If so, why?
    Does the problem disappear if you click "Remove" for all the modules you're not actually currently using?
    I have this same problem. Order payments are approved and orders set to pending, although Paypal has no record of the payment.

    The Paypal express checkout does seem to try to utilise the Installed-Disabled modules and removing this does seem to remove them from the second column in the order screen. The problem is that this module seems to be using the wrong payment module even if they're Installed-Enabled.

    I had the following set-ups and results:

    Set-up 1:
    Module : Installed : Enabled : Zone
    cc : Y : N : None
    cod : Y : Y : Country A
    Paypal : Y : Y : Country B
    All other modules uninstalled

    Result 1:
    Order shows payment module as "cc"

    Set-up 2:
    Module : Installed : Enabled : Zone
    cc : N : N : None
    cod : Y : Y : Country A
    Paypal : Y : Y : Country B
    All other modules uninstalled

    Result 2:
    Order shows payment module as "cod"

    So it seems that the Express Checkout module incorrectly uses enabled/installed modules that don't apply to the ordering customers zone.

    Is this a bug? Can it be fixed through config? I tried changing the sort order of the payment modules, setting paypal to 0 and cod to 1. the result was the same. Admin-Customer->Orders shows COD as payment module and Paypal has no log of the payment.

    Please help.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    Is this perhaps the same issue as this one?:

  9. #9
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    Quote Originally Posted by Hani View Post
    Is this perhaps the same issue as this one?:
    Yes, it does appear to be the same issue as the link you just posted.

    If you don't restrict your payment modules to certain zones, and you don't leave any modules sitting around installed but disabled, then you won't have the problems you're indicating.

    A fix will hopefully be included in the v2.0.0 release due out soon.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: PayPal Express Checkout: Admin sees order but Paypal does not

    Thanks for the confirmation DrByte.

    We're going to remove the PEC registration/Express Check-out capability and force customers through the traditional registration and checkout process until fixed.


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