Zen cart experts …..can you please help me out with a unusually request.

I need to add a background image to an attribute and then have that background image act as a hyperlink.

I need to have a dropdown attribute in Zen cart link to a pop up that will explain to my customers what the attribute is about.

When a user clicks on the a pop up window will appear with details about the attribute. Sounds easy….

Here is the problem…… I don’t know the best way to get unique hyperlinks for different attributes.

I've seen this before and don’t know if I'm approaching it from the best angle?

Here is what I did so far.
In my CSS I have

.wrapperAttribsOptions { /*attribute position*/
background:url('../images/backgrounds/question.gif') no-repeat; width:410px; height:18px; padding: 0 10px 10px 0;


Im my tpl_modules_attributes.php I have.

<div class="wrapperAttribsOptions">

<h4 class="optionName back"><?php echo $options_name[$i]; ?></h4>
<div class="back"><?php echo "\n" . $options_menu[$i]; ?></div>


<?php if ($options_comment[$i] != '' and $options_comment_position[$i] == '1') { ?>
<div class="ProductInfoComments"><?php echo $options_comment[$i]; ?></div>
<?php } ?>

if ($options_attributes_image[$i] != '') {
<?php echo $options_attributes_image[$i]; ?>