if you are trying to remove the attribute pricing for those situations that you have to show a fixed list priced but would like to sale the item at a bit of a discount you can do this in a few easy steps while still providing the discount you desire.

First go to catalog, options name and value manager create your options as desired for example this step allows you to create the name that will show for the attribute to be seen as savings or etc.

Next go under the Product items attributes controller.
Create a attribute with the values and names you set in the previouse steps. There is no need to set you products options in create products for pricing by attribute. Pricing by attribute will still be adjusted to the product value for each attribute added.

When you creat the attributes under your product item use your value and names that you created for example click for discount and so on. Then under the attribute pricing:

Plug the value as -12.00 for example reason being you are creating a discount and you want it to be applied to the final price.

next the hard part you have to adjust to code to the attributes.php file found in /includes/modules folder in your file server.

once you have located the file make a copy of it and save it to your desktop for a backup in case you accidentally delete some code.

open the file up in notepad and scroll down to these lines of code it shouldnt be far its pretty close to the top of the code.

// collect price information if it exists
if ($products_options->fields['attributes_discounted'] == 1) {
// apply product discount to attributes if discount is on
// $new_attributes_price = $products_options->fields['options_values_price'];
$new_attributes_price = zen_get_attributes_price_final($products_options->fields["products_attributes_id"], 1, '', 'false');
$new_attributes_price = zen_get_discount_calc((int)$_GET['products_id'], true, $new_attributes_price);

remove the highlighted code statement $new_attributes_price
after doing this save the file and overwrite the old file in the file server. by removing this small code it prevents zencart from even processing the code to show the attribute price.

I know a few of yall been anxiouse to know this so here ya go.

Enjoy .