I am trying out how to edit the $title = line of the livehelp.php file.

The file looks like this:

PHP Code:

require($template->get_template_dir('tpl_livehelp.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE$current_page_base,'sideboxes'). '/tpl_livehelp.php');
$title =  '<label>' BOX_HEADING_LIVEHELP '</label>';
$title_link false;
$template->get_template_dir($column_box_defaultDIR_WS_TEMPLATE$current_page_base,'common') . '/' $column_box_default);
If I change the BOX_HEADING_LIVEHELP to say Online Operator, the space between Online Operator causes the box not to show. But if I change it to OnlineOperator, it shows fine. If I change it to Online_Operator, it shows the box but also shows the underscore character between the two words.

How do I add a space between the multiple words in the <label> definition?? I have not been able to google for the php <label> tag, thus becoming frustrated with probally a very simple answer that I can not find.