Steve's right... The install process is chiefly to get the database configured with the tables, and of course, other initial config data.

Once it is installed - i

So all you need to is move the code files and the database to a remote server.

There are three main things that need to be done:

1. The database on your local drive is likely to be a different version of MySQL from that on the server, so the export and import of the database needs careful attention. I have sometimes come across this when moving sites across remote servers. I then run a full install of zc on the new server in order to create a properly config's database. If I have mods on the original site that update the database, I install them. Then I truncate all the tables (empty them). Then from the old database, I just do a sql dump for DATA only, giving me just the "insert into" lines for all the data. I then run this into the new database.

2. change the paths and database info in BOTH configure.php files

3. there are possibly some references to the OLD location in the database, such as the cache folder location. You can run fix_cache_key.php to address this (see free addons for this little tool).