
I hope someone would help me find a solution to a problem I have.

After installing Super Orders 2.0 my Admin console became inaccessible. All I could see was an error message that admin/includes/configure.php does not exist and a prompt to run install. Everything with the files was OK and all files were in their proper folders.

After a few attempts I was able to make it work again from backup upload but here is the problem:

When I get in my admin console and try to change anything, the change is not applied when I click the "Update" button. For instance, if I go to Configuration->My Store->Store Phone and put a new value in the phone number box, once I click on "Update" to apply the change, admin takes me back to home screen and the change I made is not applied. The same happens if I try to create and insert a new banner.

All other areas of the site seem to work fine. I can create and edit products, receive an update orders, edit custom pages, etc.

Any ideas what might be causing this malfunction? I red through the forum but did not find similar issue reported so I decided to give this a try.
