I uploaded and image as a product document. The image does not appear on any of the pages. product listing, info page, popup or in the administration.

I am using v1.3.9d.

I check the server and file has been uploaded.

This is the code.

<div id="productMainImage" class="centeredContent back">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
document.write('<a href="javascriptopupWindow(\'http://www.stitchboutiqueboston.com/index.php?main_page=popup_image&amp;pID=174\')"><img src="images/product_canvases/Symphony_Bulky.jpg" alt="Symphony Bulky Ridge Lace Cravat" title=" Symphony Bulky Ridge Lace Cravat " width="146" height="186" /><br /><span class="imgLink"></span></a>');
<a href="http://www.stitchboutiqueboston.com/index.php?main_page=popup_image&amp;pID=174" target="_blank"><img src="images/product_canvases/Symphony_Bulky.jpg" alt="Symphony Bulky Ridge Lace Cravat" title=" Symphony Bulky Ridge Lace Cravat " width="146" height="186" /><br /><span class="imgLink"></span></a></noscript>

</div><!--eof Main Product Image-->

I am not sure what is causing it.