***pre-warning don't freak out, my site is an adult toy site, 18+ obviously, you may see a ########,your catholic wife/priest will not be happy with you***

Somewhere I messed something up, when I view a category with subcategories, but no items in that primary category, my website spaces itself strange.

Example - lingerie category in an attempt to minimize exposure

As well I have another issue when I actually view a product, you can see that the left side is spaced and squishing the center column content. I don't know where I went wrong, and I'm sure it's a quick fix, but I can't find it for the life of me. As far as I can tell I have the center column spaced out to 700 static.

Example - I picked a product that was safe :) You can trust me to protect your modesty when able.

I would really appreciate the help, I can trade too, if someone needs some server config help or anything of that nature, I have 15 years in IT, just not in php/css :)