Thread: wishlists 0.6

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  1. #201
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    Quote Originally Posted by wtashby View Post
    How can I adjust the left to right (horizontal) alignment of the wishlist button?

    I added this to the bottom of my templates stylesheet.css file




    You can add the margin part and play with the number to get it scooted over to the right or if it is on the right side already change the wording to "right"

    Not sure how yours is set up on the page so this code might not work -- I have my button showing at all times and needed the text to the right of it. Still playing with my settings.
    There may be an easier way but this suffices for now.

  2. #202
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    Thanks for that, but the problem I'm having is the add to cart box changes size according to the product name. The longer the name, the wider the box, and vice-versa. The Add to Cart button always stays centered, but I don't know what to do to make the wish list button to the same. Here is the tpl_product_info_display.php with the Wish List button code added to it.

     * Page Template
     * Loaded automatically by index.php?main_page=product_info.<br />
     * Displays details of a typical product
     * @package templateSystem
     * @copyright Copyright 2003-2006 Zen Cart Development Team
     * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
     * @license GNU Public License V2.0
     * @version $Id: tpl_product_info_display.php 16242 2010-05-08 16:05:40Z ajeh $
     //require(DIR_WS_MODULES . '/debug_blocks/product_info_prices.php');
    <div class="centerColumn" id="productGeneral">
    <!--bof Form start-->
    <?php echo zen_draw_form('cart_quantity', zen_href_link(zen_get_info_page($_GET['products_id']), zen_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product', $request_type), 'post', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"') . "\n"; ?>
    <!--eof Form start-->
    <?php if ($messageStack->size('product_info') > 0) echo $messageStack->output('product_info'); ?>
    <!--bof Category Icon -->
    <?php if ($module_show_categories != 0) {?>
     * display the category icons
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_category_icon_display.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_category_icon_display.php'); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof Category Icon -->
    <!--bof Prev/Next top position -->
     * display the product previous/next helper
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_products_next_previous.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_products_next_previous.php'); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof Prev/Next top position-->
    <div id="p-left">
    <!--bof Main Product Image -->
      if (zen_not_null($products_image)) {
     * display the main product image
       require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_main_product_image.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_main_product_image.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Main Product Image-->
    <div id="p-right">
    <!--bof Product Name-->
    <h1 id="productName" class="productGeneral"><?php echo $products_name; ?></h1>
    <!--eof Product Name-->
    <div id="cart">
    <!--bof Product Price block -->
    <h2 id="productPrices" class="productGeneral">
    // base price
      if ($show_onetime_charges_description == 'true') {
        $one_time = '<span >' . TEXT_ONETIME_CHARGE_SYMBOL . TEXT_ONETIME_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION . '</span><br />';
      } else {
        $one_time = '';
      echo $one_time . ((zen_has_product_attributes_values((int)$_GET['products_id']) and $flag_show_product_info_starting_at == 1) ? TEXT_BASE_PRICE : '') . zen_get_products_display_price((int)$_GET['products_id']);
    <!--eof Product Price block -->
    <!--bof free ship icon  -->
    <?php if(zen_get_product_is_always_free_shipping($products_id_current) && $flag_show_product_info_free_shipping) { ?>
    <div id="freeShippingIcon"><?php echo TEXT_PRODUCT_FREE_SHIPPING_ICON; ?></div>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof free ship icon  -->
    <!--bof Attributes Module -->
      if ($pr_attr->fields['total'] > 0) {
     * display the product atributes
      require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_attributes.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_attributes.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Attributes Module -->
    <!--bof Add to Cart Box -->
      // do nothing
    } else {
        $display_qty = (($flag_show_product_info_in_cart_qty == 1 and $_SESSION['cart']->in_cart($_GET['products_id'])) ? '<p>' . PRODUCTS_ORDER_QTY_TEXT_IN_CART . $_SESSION['cart']->get_quantity($_GET['products_id']) . '</p>' : '');
                if ($products_qty_box_status == 0 or $products_quantity_order_max== 1) {
                  // hide the quantity box and default to 1
                  $the_button = '<input type="hidden" name="cart_quantity" value="1" />' . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id', (int)$_GET['products_id']) . zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_IN_CART, BUTTON_IN_CART_ALT);
                } else {
                  // show the quantity box
        $the_button = PRODUCTS_ORDER_QTY_TEXT . '<input type="text" name="cart_quantity" value="' . (zen_get_buy_now_qty($_GET['products_id'])) . '" maxlength="6" size="4" /><br />' . zen_get_products_quantity_min_units_display((int)$_GET['products_id']) . '<br />' . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id', (int)$_GET['products_id']) . zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_IN_CART, BUTTON_IN_CART_ALT);
        $display_button = zen_get_buy_now_button($_GET['products_id'], $the_button);
      <?php if ($display_qty != '' or $display_button != '') { ?>
        <div id="cartAdd">
          echo $display_qty;
          echo $display_button;
      <?php } // display qty and button ?>
    <?php } // CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == 3 ?>
    <!--bof Wishlist button -->
    <!--<br class="clearBoth" />
    optional depending where the code is added-->
    if ( $_SESSION['customer_id'] ) {
    echo '<div id="productWishlistLink" class="buttonRow back">';
    echo zen_image_submit(UN_BUTTON_IMAGE_WISHLIST_ADD, UN_BUTTON_WISHLIST_ADD_ALT, 'name="wishlist" value="yes"');
    echo '</div>';
    } else {
    echo '<div>';
    echo '</div>';
    } else {}
    <!--eof Wishlist button -->
    <!--eof Add to Cart Box-->
    <br class="clearBoth" /> 
    <hr id="product-divider" />
    <!--bof Product details list  -->
    <?php if ( (($flag_show_product_info_model == 1 and $products_model != '') or ($flag_show_product_info_weight == 1 and $products_weight !=0) or ($flag_show_product_info_quantity == 1) or ($flag_show_product_info_manufacturer == 1 and !empty($manufacturers_name))) ) { ?>
    <ul id="productDetailsList" class="floatingBox back">
      <?php echo (($flag_show_product_info_model == 1 and $products_model !='') ? '<li>' . TEXT_PRODUCT_MODEL . $products_model . '</li>' : '') . "\n"; ?>
      <?php echo (($flag_show_product_info_weight == 1 and $products_weight !=0) ? '<li>' . TEXT_PRODUCT_WEIGHT .  $products_weight . TEXT_PRODUCT_WEIGHT_UNIT . '</li>'  : '') . "\n"; ?>
      <?php echo (($flag_show_product_info_quantity == 1) ? '<li>' . $products_quantity . TEXT_PRODUCT_QUANTITY . '</li>'  : '') . "\n"; ?>
      <?php echo (($flag_show_product_info_manufacturer == 1 and !empty($manufacturers_name)) ? '<li>' . TEXT_PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER . $manufacturers_name . '</li>' : '') . "\n"; ?>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <!--eof Product details list -->
     <!--bof Product description -->
    <?php if ($products_description != '') { ?>
    <div id="productDescription" class="productGeneral biggerText"><?php echo stripslashes($products_description); ?></div>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof Product description -->
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
    <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
    <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_pinterest_pinit"></a>
    <a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <!-- AddThis Button END -->
    <!--bof Quantity Discounts table -->
      if ($products_discount_type != 0) { ?>
     * display the products quantity discount
     require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_products_quantity_discounts.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_products_quantity_discounts.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Quantity Discounts table -->
    <!--bof Additional Product Images -->
     * display the products additional images
      require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_additional_images.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_additional_images.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Additional Product Images -->
    <!--bof Prev/Next bottom position -->
     * display the product previous/next helper
     require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_products_next_previous.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_products_next_previous.php'); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof Prev/Next bottom position -->
    <hr id="product-divider" />
    <!--bof Tell a Friend button -->
      if ($flag_show_product_info_tell_a_friend == 1) { ?>
    <div id="productTellFriendLink" class="buttonRow forward"><?php echo ($flag_show_product_info_tell_a_friend == 1 ? '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_TELL_A_FRIEND, 'products_id=' . $_GET['products_id']) . '">' . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_TELLAFRIEND, BUTTON_TELLAFRIEND_ALT) . '</a>' : ''); ?></div>
    <!--eof Tell a Friend button -->
    <!--bof Reviews button and count-->
      if ($flag_show_product_info_reviews == 1) {
        // if more than 0 reviews, then show reviews button; otherwise, show the "write review" button
        if ($reviews->fields['count'] > 0 ) { ?>
    <div id="productReviewLink" class="buttonRow back"><?php echo '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS, zen_get_all_get_params()) . '">' . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_REVIEWS, BUTTON_REVIEWS_ALT) . '</a>'; ?></div>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <p class="reviewCount"><?php echo ($flag_show_product_info_reviews_count == 1 ? TEXT_CURRENT_REVIEWS . ' ' . $reviews->fields['count'] : ''); ?></p>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <div id="productReviewLink" class="buttonRow back"><?php echo '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_WRITE, zen_get_all_get_params(array())) . '">' . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_WRITE_REVIEW, BUTTON_WRITE_REVIEW_ALT) . '</a>'; ?></div>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <!--eof Reviews button and count -->
    <!--bof Product date added/available-->
      if ($products_date_available > date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
        if ($flag_show_product_info_date_available == 1) {
      <p id="productDateAvailable" class="productGeneral centeredContent"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_DATE_AVAILABLE, zen_date_long($products_date_available)); ?></p>
      } else {
        if ($flag_show_product_info_date_added == 1) {
          <p id="productDateAdded" class="productGeneral centeredContent"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_DATE_ADDED, zen_date_long($products_date_added)); ?></p>
        } // $flag_show_product_info_date_added
    <!--eof Product date added/available -->
    <!--bof Product URL -->
      if (zen_not_null($products_url)) {
        if ($flag_show_product_info_url == 1) {
        <p id="productInfoLink" class="productGeneral centeredContent"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_MORE_INFORMATION, zen_href_link(FILENAME_REDIRECT, 'action=url&goto=' . urlencode($products_url), 'NONSSL', true, false)); ?></p>
        } // $flag_show_product_info_url
    <!--eof Product URL -->
    <!--bof also purchased products module-->
    <?php require($template->get_template_dir('tpl_modules_also_purchased_products.php', DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/' . 'tpl_modules_also_purchased_products.php');?>
    <!--eof also purchased products module-->
    <!--bof Form close-->
    <!--bof Form close-->
    I Think, Therefore I Zen. I Zen, Therefore, I AM!
    Personalized Flowers!
    Flowertown Speaking Roses
    using version 1.5.7-06232020

  3. #203
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    Try moving the line in red

    <!--bof Wishlist button -->
    <!--<br class="clearBoth" />
    optional depending where the code is added-->

    move it to after this one:
    <!--eof Add to Cart Box-->

  4. #204
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
    Try moving the line in red

    <!--bof Wishlist button -->
    <!--<br class="clearBoth" />
    optional depending where the code is added-->

    move it to after this one:
    <!--eof Add to Cart Box-->

    Are you suggesting I move it as is or remove the comment out tags? It's commented out right now.
    I Think, Therefore I Zen. I Zen, Therefore, I AM!
    Personalized Flowers!
    Flowertown Speaking Roses
    using version 1.5.7-06232020

  5. #205
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    Quote Originally Posted by wtashby View Post
    Are you suggesting I move it as is or remove the comment out tags? It's commented out right now.

    No I meant to move the line to below the add to cart ending line...

    forget the comment about email program used the asterick to show it was changed in my post to add color...nothing like confusing an old girl.

    I had to move mine to get it to behave on my 1.3.9h store.

  6. #206
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
    No I meant to move the line to below the add to cart ending line...

    forget the comment about email program used the asterick to show it was changed in my post to add color...nothing like confusing an old girl.

    I had to move mine to get it to behave on my 1.3.9h store.
    If you look at my post again, you will see that <br class="clearBoth" /> is already where you are suggesting. My wish list button is below the add to cart button, as I want, but it always positions to the left.
    I Think, Therefore I Zen. I Zen, Therefore, I AM!
    Personalized Flowers!
    Flowertown Speaking Roses
    using version 1.5.7-06232020

  7. #207
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    OK this is how it is looking in your post

    <?php } // CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == 3 ?>
    <!--bof Wishlist button -->
    <!--<br class="clearBoth" />
    optional depending where the code is added-->
    <?php if (UN_MODULE_WISHLISTS_ENABLED) { if ( $_SESSION['customer_id'] )
    { echo '<div id="productWishlistLink" class="buttonRow back">';
    echo zen_image_submit(UN_BUTTON_IMAGE_WISHLIST_ADD, UN_BUTTON_WISHLIST_ADD_ALT, 'name="wishlist" value="yes"');
    echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div>'; echo UN_BOX_WISHLIST_LOGIN_TEXT; echo '</div>'; } }
    else {} ?> <!--eof Wishlist button -->
    <!--eof Add to Cart Box-->

    move it to after the last line in this code snippet, by either copy/paste and delte from where it is or hilight it then drag it to below the last line above.

    so it looks like this:

    <?php } // CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == 3 ?> <!--bof Wishlist button --> optional depending where the code is added--> <?php if (UN_MODULE_WISHLISTS_ENABLED) { if ( $_SESSION['customer_id'] ) { echo '<div id="productWishlistLink" class="buttonRow back">'; echo zen_image_submit(UN_BUTTON_IMAGE_WISHLIST_ADD, UN_BUTTON_WISHLIST_ADD_ALT, 'name="wishlist" value="yes"'); echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div>'; echo UN_BOX_WISHLIST_LOGIN_TEXT; echo '</div>'; } } else {} ?> <!--eof Wishlist button --> <!--eof Add to Cart Box--><!--<br class="clearBoth" />

    I can't remember if you need to remove the blue line but I thinks you do.

  8. #208
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
    OK this is how it is looking in your post

    <?php } // CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == 3 ?>
    <!--bof Wishlist button -->
    <!--<br class="clearBoth" />
    optional depending where the code is added-->
    <?php if (UN_MODULE_WISHLISTS_ENABLED) { if ( $_SESSION['customer_id'] )
    { echo '<div id="productWishlistLink" class="buttonRow back">';
    echo zen_image_submit(UN_BUTTON_IMAGE_WISHLIST_ADD, UN_BUTTON_WISHLIST_ADD_ALT, 'name="wishlist" value="yes"');
    echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div>'; echo UN_BOX_WISHLIST_LOGIN_TEXT; echo '</div>'; } }
    else {} ?> <!--eof Wishlist button -->
    <!--eof Add to Cart Box-->

    move it to after the last line in this code snippet, by either copy/paste and delte from where it is or hilight it then drag it to below the last line above.

    so it looks like this:

    <?php } // CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == 3 ?> <!--bof Wishlist button --> optional depending where the code is added--> <?php if (UN_MODULE_WISHLISTS_ENABLED) { if ( $_SESSION['customer_id'] ) { echo '<div id="productWishlistLink" class="buttonRow back">'; echo zen_image_submit(UN_BUTTON_IMAGE_WISHLIST_ADD, UN_BUTTON_WISHLIST_ADD_ALT, 'name="wishlist" value="yes"'); echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div>'; echo UN_BOX_WISHLIST_LOGIN_TEXT; echo '</div>'; } } else {} ?> <!--eof Wishlist button --> <!--eof Add to Cart Box--><!--<br class="clearBoth" />

    I can't remember if you need to remove the blue line but I thinks you do.
    This is what I have now, and it still doesn't work.

    <!--bof Add to Cart Box -->
      // do nothing
    } else {
        $display_qty = (($flag_show_product_info_in_cart_qty == 1 and $_SESSION['cart']->in_cart($_GET['products_id'])) ? '<p>' . PRODUCTS_ORDER_QTY_TEXT_IN_CART . $_SESSION['cart']->get_quantity($_GET['products_id']) . '</p>' : '');
                if ($products_qty_box_status == 0 or $products_quantity_order_max== 1) {
                  // hide the quantity box and default to 1
                  $the_button = '<input type="hidden" name="cart_quantity" value="1" />' . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id', (int)$_GET['products_id']) . zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_IN_CART, BUTTON_IN_CART_ALT);
                } else {
                  // show the quantity box
        $the_button = PRODUCTS_ORDER_QTY_TEXT . '<input type="text" name="cart_quantity" value="' . (zen_get_buy_now_qty($_GET['products_id'])) . '" maxlength="6" size="4" /><br />' . zen_get_products_quantity_min_units_display((int)$_GET['products_id']) . '<br />' . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id', (int)$_GET['products_id']) . zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_IN_CART, BUTTON_IN_CART_ALT);
        $display_button = zen_get_buy_now_button($_GET['products_id'], $the_button);
      <?php if ($display_qty != '' or $display_button != '') { ?>
        <div id="cartAdd">
          echo $display_qty;
          echo $display_button;
      <?php } // display qty and button ?>
    <?php } // CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == 3 ?>
    <!--bof Wishlist button -->
    <!--<br class="clearBoth" />
    optional depending where the code is added-->
    if ( $_SESSION['customer_id'] ) {
    echo '<div id="productWishlistLink" class="buttonRow back">';
    echo zen_image_submit(UN_BUTTON_IMAGE_WISHLIST_ADD, UN_BUTTON_WISHLIST_ADD_ALT, 'name="wishlist" value="yes"');
    echo '</div>';
    } else {
    echo '<div>';
    echo '</div>';
    } else {}
    <!--eof Wishlist button -->
    <!--eof Add to Cart Box-->
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    Still not working. In fact, nothing I do seems to make any difference as to the buttons alignment.

    Keep in mind that anything inside of <!-- something in here --> is not seen or read as code, it is essentially commented out. Maybe I need to ask this in the support thread for the template I'm using?
    I Think, Therefore I Zen. I Zen, Therefore, I AM!
    Personalized Flowers!
    Flowertown Speaking Roses
    using version 1.5.7-06232020

  9. #209
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    Emporia, Kansas
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    Quote Originally Posted by wtashby View Post
    This is what I have now, and it still doesn't work.

    <!--bof Add to Cart Box -->
      // do nothing
    } else {
        $display_qty = (($flag_show_product_info_in_cart_qty == 1 and $_SESSION['cart']->in_cart($_GET['products_id'])) ? '<p>' . PRODUCTS_ORDER_QTY_TEXT_IN_CART . $_SESSION['cart']->get_quantity($_GET['products_id']) . '</p>' : '');
                if ($products_qty_box_status == 0 or $products_quantity_order_max== 1) {
                  // hide the quantity box and default to 1
                  $the_button = '<input type="hidden" name="cart_quantity" value="1" />' . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id', (int)$_GET['products_id']) . zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_IN_CART, BUTTON_IN_CART_ALT);
                } else {
                  // show the quantity box
        $the_button = PRODUCTS_ORDER_QTY_TEXT . '<input type="text" name="cart_quantity" value="' . (zen_get_buy_now_qty($_GET['products_id'])) . '" maxlength="6" size="4" /><br />' . zen_get_products_quantity_min_units_display((int)$_GET['products_id']) . '<br />' . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id', (int)$_GET['products_id']) . zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_IN_CART, BUTTON_IN_CART_ALT);
        $display_button = zen_get_buy_now_button($_GET['products_id'], $the_button);
      <?php if ($display_qty != '' or $display_button != '') { ?>
        <div id="cartAdd">
          echo $display_qty;
          echo $display_button;
      <?php } // display qty and button ?>
    <?php } // CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == 3 ?>
    <!--bof Wishlist button -->
    <!--<br class="clearBoth" />
    optional depending where the code is added-->
    if ( $_SESSION['customer_id'] ) {
    echo '<div id="productWishlistLink" class="buttonRow back">';
    echo zen_image_submit(UN_BUTTON_IMAGE_WISHLIST_ADD, UN_BUTTON_WISHLIST_ADD_ALT, 'name="wishlist" value="yes"');
    echo '</div>';
    } else {
    echo '<div>';
    echo '</div>';
    } else {}
    <!--eof Wishlist button -->
    <!--eof Add to Cart Box-->
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    Still not working. In fact, nothing I do seems to make any difference as to the buttons alignment.

    Keep in mind that anything inside of <!-- something in here --> is not seen or read as code, it is essentially commented out. Maybe I need to ask this in the support thread for the template I'm using?

    well not sure wht to tel you unless you are able to use your stylesheet or the stylesheet for the wishlist to set margins there.

    mine is being obstinate too and won't give me a bottom margin. It had it before I moved to a new host...LOL

  10. #210
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    Default Re: wishlists 0.6

    Has anyone else noticed that when logged in and click add to cart button on product info page it adds to wishlist not to cart?!

    Funny thing actually I just happened to come across it. Here's what I find.
    in includes/templates/mytemp/templates/tpl_product_info_display.php
    PHP Code:
    echo zen_image_submit(UN_BUTTON_IMAGE_WISHLIST_ADDUN_BUTTON_WISHLIST_ADD_ALT'name="wishlist" value="yes"'); 
    Once parsed this will be an html form <input ... tag. it will be named wishlist and have a value of 'yes'. It is inside of the "add_product" form and will be included with that form when submitted when adding a product to the shopping cart.

    Then in includes/extra_cart_actions/wishlist_cart_actions.php
    PHP Code:
    switch ($_GET['action']) {
    // Add item to wishlist
    case 'add_product':
    if ( ($_POST['wishlist'] == 'yes') || ($_POST['wishlist_x']) ) { 
    That's a problem because that is how products are added to the cart in: includes/main_cart_actions.php.

    So if a customer is logged in and they try adding a product to their cart it get's added to their wish list. Bummer.

    I instead replaced the call to build a button with the zen_checkbox... and some pre-text that says "add to wish list". Now they can check the box then click the text.

    Clicking the text would do nothing without the accompanying JS which does the same thing as clicking the add to cart button, the same thing clicking the original wish list button did, it submits the "add_product" form.

    It's now caught by the wishlist_cart_actions.php when the box is checked. So technically if you were to check the box then click add to cart it goes to the wishlist but whatever, that's just silly.

    So in addition. I've added a noscript tag below the "add to wish list" & checkbox that tells customer with no JS to check the box and then click add to cart. So it really kinda helps out for the no JS folks while fixing the horrible issue that logged in customers face while trying to add a product to their cart.

    In addition to that. I've added some JS that hides the checkbox and automatically checks it for you when you click the add to wish list text before it submits the form.

    All in all it's a great mod that I'm sure is running on thousands of stores and Im shocked that I can't find mention of this anywhere.

    Makes me wonder how many folks thought that the wish list would help sales but some how killed sales. Not funny but almost laughable.



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