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  1. #41
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    I too have had ONE email disappear - no notification what so ever - no notification and no extra cards -
    My first idea was HACK! but since I have rec emails since then and have checked the route in the module This is not the case. I tried to figure out what I might have done incorrectly but nothing comes to mind.

    I have read the above posting and I agree the module is perfect!!

    So newbie question - when a glitch happens like this at the sever where do these emails go - do they just disappear? scrambled or get corrupted and therefore cannot get thru?


  2. #42
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    Hi Tia,

    Quote Originally Posted by stitchnkitty View Post
    My first idea was HACK! but since I have rec emails since then and have checked the route in the module This is not the case.
    Quote Originally Posted by stitchnkitty View Post
    So newbie question - when a glitch happens like this at the sever where do these emails go - do they just disappear? scrambled or get corrupted and therefore cannot get thru?
    "newbie"? "Join Date: Jun 2009" ;)

    Various things can happen. Your server can queue the mail for delivery and then have a problem actually sending the e-mail. Then maybe you don't catch bounces for the user being used to send these queued mails....

    ..or the e-mail left the server fine but your e-mail provider didn't receive it properly because of a fault at their end.. or they deleted the e-mail, thinking it was spam..

    Basically, e-mail isn't a reliable way to guarantee communication.

    Hope that sets your curiosity to rest a little.. regardless, as you've seen, this isn't anything to do with the software and, in a one way communication situation, there's nothing the software can do about it.

    All the best...


  3. #43
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    Conor: I have lost approximately 5 emails over the past year or so, out of thousands of successful emails. Is it logical to enable this software to accept two email addresses in case one fails?

  4. #44
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0


    Quote Originally Posted by jetx View Post
    Conor: I have lost approximately 5 emails over the past year or so, out of thousands of successful emails. Is it logical to enable this software to accept two email addresses in case one fails?
    The software doesn't support that.

    You can custom code it yourself to send multiple e-mails if you like (which would be easy but ill advised in my opinion), as that feature will not be added to the software.

    If you have 3000 transactions a year you REALLY shouldn't be using a manual card module. You should be using a payment gateway, not least for your customers' security.

    All the best..


  5. #45
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    In the process of setting one up now (in addition to Paypal, which too many customers loathe) simply due to volumes and I suppose it does give the customer a bit more confidence. With regards to customer security I don't think the mod is inherently less safe than other methods, after all once a site is hacked alternative methods of payment are easily created and those gateways changed or disabled.

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0


    Quote Originally Posted by jetx View Post
    In the process of setting one up now (in addition to Paypal, which too many customers loathe)
    Yes, I'm not a fan of PayPal myself!

    Quote Originally Posted by jetx View Post
    I don't think the mod is inherently less safe than other methods, after all once a site is hacked alternative methods of payment are easily created and those gateways changed or disabled.
    I agree in general, which is obviously why I think PCI is a bureaucratic waste of time, but if you prevent your server from being hacked, or provide a mechanism to keep a check on hacks (e.g. version control your files and watch for changes) then using a payment system API which uses a secure connection avoids issues such as plain text e-mails being intercepted. One less thing to worry about!

    Anyway.. not really something to be discussed on this support thread.

    Have a nice day.

    All the best...


  7. #47
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    Default Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    I've used this payment module for a few small sites, especially when we are just testing and debugging. I finished a new site and installed the module. It does NOT enter into the https mode while checking out. Tried reinstalling to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. SSL is active and functioning.

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0


    Quote Originally Posted by fredmccay View Post
    I've used this payment module for a few small sites, especially when we are just testing and debugging. I finished a new site and installed the module. It does NOT enter into the https mode while checking out. Tried reinstalling to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. SSL is active and functioning.
    Reinstalling will do nothing.. this is nothing to do with the module.

    Check your setting in includes/configure.php

    If you are having any further trouble search the forum and I'm sure you'll find the solution (check .htaccess files etc.).

    All the best..


  9. #49
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    Thank You! It was in the configure.php file.

  10. #50
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    This is the problem I'm having:

    I just upgraded my cart from 1.3.8 to 1.3.9 everything went smooth as far as I see. BUT cc payments are showing this on the order's page:
    No Order Payment Data Available
    I know this is not the way it should be. I know that the order is paid and it shows the details to delete the CVV and the payment in green as part of the transactions detail (using super orders which I know works just fine with Ceon CC Payments).

    All the previous CC transactions brought over from previous database version are showing just fine, but not the ones being done now. If I process the payment as a transaction on the order page, everything works fine (so it's not SO module) and I don't want to enter every payment to make the order "Paid" every time, I know that's not how is supposed to work.

    I also have FCO installed but I disabled it and run a test order and same behavior is shown.

    Any idea of what's going on?
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