Using 1.39 upgraded from 1.38 with the Japanese language pack elements from Crystal. Worked in 1.38, worked in 1.39.

Added a 2nd store to the same database with different prepended string. 2nd store installed & worked with demo products. When I added the Japanese elements, for some reason the database collation didn't save as utf8_general_ci for the tables.

So ran a process that updates all tables to utf8_general_ci. It appeared to work.

But all of the Japanese no longer displays on the first site. However, it displays and edits properly on the admin for that site.

The html headers generated include:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="ja">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

... and the browsers correctly select utf-8 encoding, but the output is mangled.

I'd assume my database data was mangled, but as I mentioned, it displays and edits perfectly in Admin.

So I looked for differences between the japanese.php folder in the Admin section and the one in the main includes folder.

The one in th Admin section has a header that says it's
* @version $Id: english.php 7440 2007-11-17 21:51:35Z drbyte $

The one in the main cart includes folder is the one from Shawn Ward and Seiji Matsumoto
* @version $Id: japanese.php v1.2 CKD Shaun Ward/Seiji Matsumoto

Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated at this point. Thanks.