Afternoon all

During my 1.39h to 1.5 testing I have noticed an issue with the date format on my store.

I originally developed the store on version 1.39h, and customised my template to use the date format dd/mm/yyyy for customers dates of birth. (Following helpful guide below)

I could successfully enter a date of birth as dd/mm/yyyy, and inversely would be warned with the correct error if I didnt enter the date of birth in required format.

When 1.5 was released I decided to do a clean build of the site, and start with a new database, not realising a standard 1.5 database is now in UTF8 format, I dont think the settings in my 1.5 version of the english.php file are quite right.

I am now finding that when creating a new customer, I must enter the date of birth as mm/dd/yyyy
The warning message from english.php still says the format must be dd/mm/yyyy

If I then go to the edit account page to look at my date of birth I see its in the format dd/mm/yyyy

Can anyone work out what I've done wrong?