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  1. #1

    Default Need to remove Recover Cart Sales addon from database

    I need to remove the recover cart sales from our database, but an uninstall script was not provided with the addon.

    The script is as follows:

    CREATE TABLE scart (
    scartid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    customers_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    dateadded varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
    datemodified varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (scartid),
    UNIQUE KEY customers_id (customers_id),
    UNIQUE KEY scartid (scartid)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM;

    SET @configuration_group_id=0;
    SELECT (@configuration_group_id:=configuration_group_id) FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title= 'Recover Cart Sales' LIMIT 1;
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id;
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id;

    INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible) VALUES (NULL, 'Recover Cart Sales', 'Recover Cart Sales (RCS) Configuration Values', '1', '1');
    SET @configuration_group_id=last_insert_id();
    UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @configuration_group_id WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id;

    SET @configuration_group_id=0;
    SELECT (@configuration_group_id:=configuration_group_id) FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title= 'Recover Cart Sales' LIMIT 1;

    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES
    (NULL, 'Look back days', 'RCS_BASE_DAYS', '30', 'Number of days to look back from today for abandoned cards.', @configuration_group_id, 10, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Sales Results Report days', 'RCS_REPORT_DAYS', '90', 'Number of days the sales results report takes into account. The more days the longer the SQL queries!.', @configuration_group_id, 15, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'E-Mail time to live', 'RCS_EMAIL_TTL', '90', 'Number of days to give for emails before they no longer show as being sent', @configuration_group_id, 20, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Friendly E-Mails', 'RCS_EMAIL_FRIENDLY', 'true', 'If <b>true</b> then the customer\'s name will be used in the greeting. If <b>false</b> then a generic greeting will be used.', @configuration_group_id, 30, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Show Attributes', 'RCS_SHOW_ATTRIBUTES', 'false', 'Controls display of item attributes.<br /><br />Some sites have attributes for their items.<br /><br />Set this to <b>true</b> if yours does and you want to show them, otherwise set to <b>false</b>.', @configuration_group_id, 40, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Ignore Customers with Sessions', 'RCS_CHECK_SESSIONS', 'false', 'If you want the tool to ignore customers with an active session (ie, probably still shopping) set this to <b>true</b>.<br /><br />Setting this to <b>false</b> will operate in the default manner of ignoring session data &amp; using less resources', @configuration_group_id, 40, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Ignore Repeat Customers', 'RCS_CHECK_REPEAT', 'false', 'Setting this to true will cause recover cart sales to ignore abandoned carts by repeat customers', @configuration_group_id, 45, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Current Customer Color', 'RCS_CURCUST_COLOR', '0000FF', 'Color for the word/phrase used to notate a current customer<br /><br />A current customer is someone who has purchased items from your store in the past.', @configuration_group_id, 50, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Uncontacted hilight color', 'RCS_UNCONTACTED_COLOR', '80FFFF', 'Row highlight color for uncontacted customers.<br /><br />An uncontacted customer is one that you have <i>not</i> used this tool to send an email to before.', @configuration_group_id, 60, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Contacted hilight color', 'RCS_CONTACTED_COLOR', 'FF9FA2', 'Row highlight color for contacted customers.<br /><br />An contacted customer is one that you <i>have</i> used this tool to send an email to before.', @configuration_group_id, 70, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Matching Order Hilight', 'RCS_MATCHED_ORDER_COLOR', '9FFF22', 'Row highlight color for entrees that may have a matching order.<br /><br />An entry will be marked with this color if an order contains one or more of an item in the abandoned cart <b>and</b> matches either the cart\'s customer email address or database ID.', @configuration_group_id, 72, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Skip Carts w/Matched Orders', 'RCS_SKIP_MATCHED_CARTS', 'true', 'To ignore carts with an a matching order set this to <b>true</b>.<br /><br />Setting this to <b>false</b> will cause entries with a matching order to show, along with the matching order\'s status.<br /><br />See documentation for details.', @configuration_group_id, 80, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Lowest Pending sales status', 'RCS_PENDING_SALE_STATUS', '1', 'The highest value that an order can have and still be considered pending. Any value higher than this will be considered by RCS as sale which completed.<br /><br />See documentation for details.', @configuration_group_id, 85, NULL, NOW(), 'zen_get_order_status_name', 'zen_cfg_pull_down_order_statuses('),
    (NULL, 'Report Even Row Style', 'RCS_REPORT_EVEN_STYLE', 'dataTableRow', 'Style for even rows in results report. Typical options are <i>dataTableRow</i> and <i>attributes-even</i>.', @configuration_group_id, 90, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Report Odd Row Style', 'RCS_REPORT_ODD_STYLE', '', 'Style for odd rows in results report. Typical options are NULL (ie, no entry) and <i>attributes-odd</i>.', @configuration_group_id, 92, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'E-Mail Copies to', 'RCS_EMAIL_COPIES_TO', '', 'If you want copies of emails that are sent to customers by this contribution, enter the email address here. If empty no copies are sent', @configuration_group_id, 35, NULL, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Autocheck \'safe\' carts to email', 'RCS_AUTO_CHECK', 'true', 'To check entries which are most likely safe to email (ie, not existing customers, not previously emailed, etc.) set this to <b>true</b>.<br /><br />Setting this to <b>false</b> will leave all entries unchecked (you will have to check each entry you want to send an email for).', @configuration_group_id, 82, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Match orders from any date', 'RCS_CARTS_MATCH_ALL_DATES', 'true', 'If <b>true</b> then any order found with a matching item will be considered a matched order.<br /><br />If <b>false</b> only orders placed after the abandoned cart are considered.', @configuration_group_id, 84, NULL, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Upstate NY
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Need to remove Recover Cart Sales addon from database

    That script actually deletes any old instance of itself before installing the new, so you should be able to isolate the cleanup statements and run those.

    Be sure to make a backup first, or run it on a test site before trying it on your live site. I am not an expert at SQL.
    SET @configuration_group_id=0;
    SELECT (@configuration_group_id:=configuration_group_id) FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title= 'Recover Cart Sales' LIMIT 1;
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id;
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id;



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR