On my home page (and other pages) I show Specials and New products. In 1.3.8 it would correctly show the products side by side. In the admin->config->index section I set the "Special Products Columns per Row" to Value 3. (Same for New and Featured.) This worked in 1.3.8 and I could change the value and products displayed in columns per row would change.

After upgrading to 1.5.0 my pages are no longer showing multiple columns, and just displays everything as single column. I reviewed the html code and the style="width:33%" does change if I change the admin section from 2, 3, or 4 columns per row.


Could you please give me some suggestions?

I inherited this site for another developer and it does use a custom template for site. All the files under includes/modules are from 1.5.0, verified. There is not a template folder in this directory to override files. I did find a css file for the custom template being used, but since it worked before and I haven't changed the template being used I can't determine that is would cause this issue.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
