Before upgrading this worked like a charm. Pressing the red button in the admin -> customers area would automatically send an e-mail stating their account was approved. Now it doesn't work at all. The button turns green, but no e-mail is sent out.

I opened firebug to see what happens and apparently it is not even trying to send the e-mail? There is one request that isn't processed and doesn't ever time out or throw out an error. I compared my current cart to my old one, seeing what requests are sent, and this is what I found:


1. GET customers.php?page=1&cID=1671&action=edit: as described, nothing happens with this.
2. GET customers.php?action=status&cID=1671&page=1: 200 OK


1. GET customers.php?page=1&cID=1671&action=edit: Aborted
2. GET customers.php?action=status&current=2&cID=1389&page=1: 200 OK

When pasted into the adress bar, the first request takes me to the edit customer page for the customer I am trying to approve (me). The second request actually sends the e-mail in my old cart. I also notice that the 'current=2' variable isn't sent in my new cart. The old is 1.3.9h, the new is 1.5