
A few months ago I updated my zc installation from 1.3.9h to 1.5.0 and since then I can't create ez-pages. When I go to tools>ez-pages I see this warning:

WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.
If I open the logs I see this error:

[17-Sep-2012 12:26:03] PHP Fatal error: 1146:Table 'XXXX.TABLE_EZPAGES_TEXT' doesn't exist :: select count(*) as total from ezpages e, TABLE_EZPAGES_TEXT et where e.pages_id = et.pages_id and et.languages_id = '2' in /home/XXXX/www/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 101
Anybody knows what can happen?

I don't use any especific module for ez-pages, and I only have installed the ceon uri-mapping, google analytics, sitemap xml and image handler4.

Does anybody knows how I can fix it?

Thank you!