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  1. #1
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    Default tracking code for perfect audience

    I need a little help capturing product ids.

    I have this tracking code (below) running on my site. I successfully set it up to capture the order number and the order total (see below.) There is third option, product ID. I can' figure out how to capture it. This is the id of whatever item they are looking at. It will be used to create retargeting ads.

    <?php echo $zv_orders_id; ?>

    <?php echo $orders->fields['order_total']; ?>


    The code inserted on every page is below. Any help would be appreciated.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function() {
    window._pa = window._pa || {};
    // _pa.orderId = "<?php echo $zv_orders_id; ?>"; // OPTIONAL: attach unique conversion identifier to conversions
    // _pa.revenue = "<?php echo $orders->fields['order_total']; ?>"; // OPTIONAL: attach dynamic purchase values to conversions
    // _pa.productId = "myProductId"; // OPTIONAL: Include product ID for use with dynamic ads
    var pa = document.createElement('script'); pa.type = 'text/javascript'; pa.async = true;
    pa.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https:' : 'http:') + "//";
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s);

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Upstate NY
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    Default Re: tracking code for perfect audience

    PHP Code:
    <?php echo $_GET['products_id']; ?>
    This will be null for non-product pages, and have the id on individual product pages.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: tracking code for perfect audience

    Thanks!! I appreciate it.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: tracking code for perfect audience

    I wonder if you might be able to offer help filling in the blanks for the ROI tracker.

    It wants to be passed order info as below.

    '', // Merchant sku
    '', // Product name
    '', // Category id
    '', // Category name
    '', // Unit price
    '' // Item quantity

    Given the previous answer <?php echo $_GET['products_id']; ?> I wonder if there is a way I can see the variables available so I don't have to bother the zencart geniuses? I can make guesses -- like category id may be <?php echo $_GET['category_id']; ?>

    I have included the full script which at the moment is located at includes/modules/pages/checkout_success

    Thanks much

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var _roi = _roi || [];

    // Step 1: add base order details

    _roi.push(['_setMerchantId', 'XXXXXXXX']); // required
    _roi.push(['_setOrderId', '<?php echo $zv_orders_id; ?>']); // unique customer order ID
    _roi.push(['_setOrderAmount', '<?php echo $orders->fields['order_total']; ?>']); // order total without tax and shipping
    _roi.push(['_setOrderNotes', '']); // notes on order, up to 50 characters

    // Step 2: add every item in the order
    // where your e-commerce engine loops through each item in the cart and prints out _addItem for each
    // please note that the order of the values must be followed to ensure reporting accuracy

    '', // Merchant sku
    '', // Product name
    '', // Category id
    '', // Category name
    '', // Unit price
    '' // Item quantity

    // Step 3: submit transaction to ECN ROI tracker

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  5. #5
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    Jul 2012
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    Default Re: tracking code for perfect audience

    Quote Originally Posted by tomarriola View Post
    I wonder if you might be able to offer help filling in the blanks for the ROI tracker.

    It wants to be passed order info as below.

    '', // Merchant sku
    '', // Product name
    '', // Category id
    '', // Category name
    '', // Unit price
    '' // Item quantity

    Given the previous answer <?php echo $_GET['products_id']; ?> I wonder if there is a way I can see the variables available so I don't have to bother the zencart geniuses? I can make guesses -- like category id may be <?php echo $_GET['category_id']; ?>

    I have included the full script which at the moment is located at includes/modules/pages/checkout_success

    Thanks much

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var _roi = _roi || [];

    // Step 1: add base order details

    _roi.push(['_setMerchantId', 'XXXXXXXX']); // required
    _roi.push(['_setOrderId', '<?php echo $zv_orders_id; ?>']); // unique customer order ID
    _roi.push(['_setOrderAmount', '<?php echo $orders->fields['order_total']; ?>']); // order total without tax and shipping
    _roi.push(['_setOrderNotes', '']); // notes on order, up to 50 characters

    // Step 2: add every item in the order
    // where your e-commerce engine loops through each item in the cart and prints out _addItem for each
    // please note that the order of the values must be followed to ensure reporting accuracy

    '', // Merchant sku
    '', // Product name
    '', // Category id
    '', // Category name
    '', // Unit price
    '' // Item quantity

    // Step 3: submit transaction to ECN ROI tracker

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: tracking code for perfect audience

    Maybe a simplistic question but where does that code go?

    <?php echo $_GET['products_id']; ?>

    Also, is there a way to track categories instead/in addition to individual products? will it work with 'products_id'?

    Nevermind, a second reading helped! Also, can you confirm that the category can be tracked instead of the individual product?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: tracking code for perfect audience

    You can target categories but that is done in the perfectaudience side.

    In perfectaudience you can cookie/target people who made it to checkout and can make another target for those that visited your category. Then you can make an ad that shows to all people who visited the category but did not checkout.

    The targeting is done by matching url strings-- in this instance it something like-- if the url contains "cPath=55" then it is targeted.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: tracking code for perfect audience

    Quote Originally Posted by tomarriola View Post

    // _pa.orderId = "<?php echo $zv_orders_id; ?>"; // OPTIONAL: attach unique conversion identifier to conversions
    // _pa.revenue = "<?php echo $orders->fields['order_total']; ?>"; // OPTIONAL: attach dynamic purchase values to conversions
    // _pa.productId = "myProductId"; // OPTIONAL: Include product ID for use with dynamic ads
    Make sure you uncomment the above lines to be

    _pa.orderId = "<?php echo $zv_orders_id; ?>"; // OPTIONAL: attach unique conversion identifier to conversions
    _pa.revenue = "<?php echo $orders->fields['order_total']; ?>"; // OPTIONAL: attach dynamic purchase values to conversions
    _pa.productId = "<?php echo $_GET['products_id']; ?>"; // OPTIONAL: Include product ID for use with dynamic ad



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