I've tried every category module out there and can't achieve what I'm trying to do.

I've used yellow1912's Simple Category Tree (don't know what I was doing here),

I've used Category Dress, CSS Flyout Menu, CH.Categories and I'm quite certain a few others.

What I'm trying to achieve is to have every single Top-Cat and Corresponding Sub-Cats directly one level below visible at all times.

I've achieved this with CH.Categories and using an ereg statement provided by someone on the forum for another person.

But I want to style them in a way they are collapsible using CSS, and the only reason I've been unable to do this is because the categories and sub-categories are listed as siblings.

What I need is to maintain the current functions that tpl_categories performs, including the class elements it assigns, as well as the holiday class - but I need the structure to be as follows:

<div> Top-Cat Opening Div

<a href="top-cat-link" class="category-top">top-cat-name</a>

<div> sub-cat-1-1 <a href="sub-cat-link" class="category-products" >sub-cat-1-1-name</a> </div>
<div> sub-cat-1-2 <a href="sub-cat-link" class="category-products" >sub-cat-1-2-name</a> </div>

</div> <-- Top-Cat Closing Div

I would also like to keep the function of ($box_categories_array[$i]['current']) that assigns a new class to the top-category and sub-category that's currently active.

Can anyone out there help me.