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  1. #1
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    customer issue Previous Orders Assistance

    [Note: remember to include site URL, ZC version, list of plugins, PHP version, etc ... read the Posting Tips shown above for information to include in your post here. And, remove this comment before actually posting!]

    Is there a code to add and where/what is it for showing items that have already been purchased. I have several requests for this add-on to the shopping cart so that when they go to the product pages or cart that shows them if they have previously purchase said item.

    Any Help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Previous Orders Assistance

    Could activate the quick order sidebox

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Previous Orders Assistance

    Quote Originally Posted by rbarbour View Post
    Could activate the quick order sidebox
    I shall attempt to give that a try. As soon as I find it, I did try the mod for this download already purchased and oddly enough it is for 1.5+ and works in 1.3.9h but I just can't get the define name to appear right and not just show the contstant info instead...LOL

    if not one thing it is another...ok off to hunt down the way to do the quick order sidebox.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Previous Orders Assistance

    admin>tools>layout boxes controller>sideboxes/order_history

    Could easily use this code to flag products

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Previous Orders Assistance

    Quote Originally Posted by rbarbour View Post
    admin>tools>layout boxes controller>sideboxes/order_history

    Could easily use this code to flag products
    ou know, that was entirely just too darn simple...I always think things are more difficult than they are. I accidentally uploaded the edited defines file to the main defines directory instead of overwriting the edited on in my templates define directory and the plugin for 1.5+ works in 1.3.9h beautifully.

    It shows the text I want it to read, the only thing is that it only shows up while they are logged in. Return trips if they forget and try to add to cart again will give them the text again so no problem.

    You are a gem for helping me, since I am using an older store it is hard getting advice when things arise. Have a great week.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Previous Orders Assistance

    Not sure but I do have order history block ticked to show but it is not so maybe I have something turned off that I forgot to turn on.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Previous Orders Assistance

    Remember it will only show if you have previously ordered

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Previous Orders Assistance

    Yes, I also have the ability with the plugin to see the persons account store side with an admin pass, so I tried it with another admins account, he has had many purchases along with freebies and the silly sidebox is just not showing in there at all. Thanks for trying to straighten out my store.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Previous Orders Assistance

    While I applaud your tenacity, I fear your biggest fantasy is that you will be able to continue business with 1.3.9h. While portions of mods built for 1.5.# might work fine, they're just not built with 1.3.9 in mind.

    I'm not a proponent of SEO as I think it stands for "Somebody Else makes mOney." However, there are investments that we must make in order to keep a business viable. Eight years in e-commerce time is like 80 years in real time. There are so many things that must be done today that were simply not on the futuristic drawing board in 2010.

    Responsive templates are a must in today's e-commerce world. SSL will soon be a requirement in all browsers. Search Engines (SEs) are looking at nearly five times more details than in 2010. Your site's lack of SSL, responsive template, and not a single H tag on the main page rapidly drop your ranking with one program to less than 50. Your lack of 301 re-directs mean that, to the SEs, you are publishing duplicate content (www and non-www). Another rank killer. You have no favicon, and you are being penalized by 1.3.9s method of declaring Language and Structured Data Markup. Along with that, tables versus divs and inline styles further drop the rank.

    I know this seems like an ambush beating, but I feel I need to point these things out to you and those looking at this thread as I AM a supporter of Zen Cart and its users.

    1.5.5 takes care of a lot of the items above by itself. Today's version loaded on a test site will rank about the same as your current site as Zen Cart is not responsible for 301, custom 404 page, robots.txt (you have to decide what it shows), the XML Sitemap, etc. Only one of those is not covered by your site, so you have done the extra things needed for ranking by the SEs. However, not being current is overshadowing what you have done.

    The instructions at are excellent. This method of upgrade/rebuild is THE way to go from 1.3.9 to current day.

    Please look over the link and take advantage of what Zen Cart and this forum can do for you now. Some say, "I just know that the minute I upgrade, a new version will come out days later." Yes, that's happened to me on several occasions, BUT the closer your current version to the released version - the easier the upgrade. I can't think of a viable argument against using the link to keep your site going while testing/finishing a move to the latest version.

    And, if that's not enough, you have the world's BEST community behind you here on the forum. Ask anyone who is a member of ANY other development forum. If you're looking them in the eyes, you'll see them roll.

    You've done a great job with the tools you had, but there's a brand new box of both standard and metric available for free. If you need help with one, we'll be here.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Previous Orders Assistance

    Thanks dbltoe, I have tried a test stre several time and this time the darn thing needs to be done from scratch again cause out of the box it is not behaving. Hopefully now that we are PHP7 it will or maybe that is why it won't.

    I have so many mods that I have to check to see what is updated but the main one are the mod for editing orders. So far the last time I tried it it worked but not like it used to.

    I add products from the admin end for our contest winners and gifts to customers for various reasons. Right now I can go in, add the item, then when done I write in a line the reason then make the aamount for the item a negative amount (amount 18.50 gets turned to -18.50) and it is then brought to a zero balance or whatever the previous balance was.

    When I tried it on onee of the versions it would not take at all and I need for it to be used this way totally. But I will try it again when I get the chance...LOL...cause I am stubborn as all get out to get things to function...LOL


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