The query that came with the installation only did those 3 things...

listed is the entire .sql file...

CREATE TABLE products_with_attributes_stock (
        stock_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
        products_id INT NOT NULL ,
        stock_attributes VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
        quantity FLOAT NOT NULL ,
        sort INT NOT NULL ,
        PRIMARY KEY ( `stock_id` )

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, 
       configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, 
       last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) 
       VALUES ('Show available stock level in cart when less than order', 'STOCK_SHOW_LOW_IN_CART', 'false', 
               'When customer places more items in cart than are available, show the available amount on the shopping cart page:',
               "zen_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),"
       ('Display Images in Admin', 'STOCK_SHOW_IMAGE', 'false', 
               'Display image thumbnails on Products With Attributes Stock page? (warning, setting this to true can severly slow the loading of this page):',
               "zen_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),"
Regardless, I ended up backing up my previous cart and I plan on tackling this at a later time. It's too time consuming and isn't a priority at this time.

Thank you for your help.