I am trying to update one of text fields of the form to be a dropdown field populated with a result of my slq. I already asked couple days ago - http://www.zen-cart.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84820), but no suggestion yet, so I thought I would ask here.. This is what I have;
$query = mysql_query("SELECT products_description.products_name'
        . ' FROM products_description LEFT JOIN products_to_categories ON products_description.products_id = products_to_categories.products_id'
        . ' WHERE (((products_to_categories.categories_id)=13))'
        . ' ORDER BY products_description.products_name" ); 
$result = mysql_query ($query);
 <label class="inputLabel" for="band_name"><?php echo 'Select a Painting: '; ?></label>
<?php echo zen_draw_pull_down_menu('band_name', $result) . '&nbsp;' . (zen_not_null(ENTRY_REQUIRED_SYMBOL) ? '<span class="alert">' . ENTRY_REQUIRED_SYMBOL . '</span>': '');?>
<br class="clearBoth" />
obviously I am missing something/lot (I tried different things by emulating my ASP code which I can work with), but no luck. I even tried to actually code in the values (since there will be only few at any given time), but even that did not work for me. Can some please give me help?

Thanks Veronika