Hi im working on a shop @ www.monkkee.com

Now these guys want there customers to be able to see random baby tips on the side of there page. So what i did was install a blank sidebox and a random quote generator where they just have to add the quotes to a txt file. But when i try to add it into a blanck sidebox nothing appears!

PHP Code:
// Blank Sidebox Mod

$content '';
$content .= '<div id="' str_replace('_''-'$box_id 'Content') . '" class="sideBoxContent">';
$content .= '
<?php include "http://www.monkkee.com/quotes/babytips.php"; ?>

$content .= '</div>';
Any ideas why?

Also they want an area where customers can leave feedback about there site to, Anyone know of any mods which do such or thing or have any ideas?
