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  1. #541
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    help question Problem With Urls in google_base.xml

    Hey there

    First of all I want to say thanks for this great contribute... It is very powerful and helps me a lot with traffic so thanK U

    Recently I started to use Magic SEO and I've got the new html urls now...
    The problem is that the base feeder is talking th epld PHP urls... so now I'm afraid of having duplicated pages in google...
    Is it possible for the script to use the new urls names??

    Thank you for your help

  2. #542
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    Default Re: Google Base Feeder Support Thread

    Here a quick solution:

    SET @configuration_group_id=0;
    SELECT @configuration_group_id=configuration_group_id
    FROM configuration_group
    WHERE configuration_group_title= 'Google Base Feeder Configuration'
    LIMIT 1;
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id;
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id;
    INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible) VALUES (NULL, 'Google Base Feeder Configuration', 'Set Google Base Options', '1', '1');
    SET @configuration_group_id=last_insert_id();
    UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @configuration_group_id WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id;
    Insert that first .. then insert

    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES 
    (NULL, 'Auction Site Attributes', 'GOOGLE_BASE_ASA', 'false', 'Activate Auction Site Attributes?', @configuration_group_id, 2, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Show Default Currency', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_CURRENCY_DISPLAY', 'true', 'Display Currency', @configuration_group_id, 4, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Default Currency', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_CURRENCY', 'USD', 'Select currency', @configuration_group_id, 5, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_pull_down_currencies('),
    (NULL, 'Show Offer ID', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_OFFER_ID', 'id', 'A unique alphanumeric identifier for the item - products_id code. ', @configuration_group_id, 6, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'id\', \'model\', \'UPC\', \'ISBN\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Show Quantity', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_IN_STOCK', 'false', 'Display products quantity?', @configuration_group_id, 7, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Shipping Options', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_SHIPPING', '', 'The shipping options available for an item', @configuration_group_id, 8, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Condition', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_CONDITION', 'new', 'Choose your default condition', @configuration_group_id, 12, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'new\', \'used\', \'refurbished\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Show Feed Lanugage', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_LANGUAGE_DISPLAY', 'false', 'Display Feed Language', @configuration_group_id, 13, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Feed Language', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_LANGUAGE', 'English', 'If Show Feed Language is True, what is your feed language?<br />default = en', @configuration_group_id, 14, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_pull_down_languages_list('),
    (NULL, 'Output File Name', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_OUTPUT_FILENAME', 'domain', 'Set the name of your froogle output file', @configuration_group_id, 19, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Compress Feed File', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_COMPRESS', 'false', 'Compress Google froogle file', @configuration_group_id, 20, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Uploaded date', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_UPLOADED_DATE', '', 'Date and time of the last upload', @configuration_group_id, 21, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Output Directory', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_DIRECTORY', 'feed/', 'Set the name of your froogle output directory', @configuration_group_id, 20, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Expiration Date Base', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_EXPIRATION_BASE', 'now', 'Expiration Date Base:<ul><li>now - add Adjust to current date;</li><li>product - add Adjust to product date (max(date_added, last_modified, date_available))</li></ul>', @configuration_group_id, 2, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'now\', \'product\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Expiration Date Adjust', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_EXPIRATION_DAYS', '365', 'Expiration Date Adjust in Days', @configuration_group_id, 2, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Use cPath in url', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_USE_CPATH', 'false', 'Use cPath in product info url', @configuration_group_id, 20, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Tax Region', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_TAX_REGION', 'Tax applicable regions', 'Enter the tax region', @configuration_group_id, 22, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Show Tax Region', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_TAX_DISPLAY', 'false', 'Display Tax Region?', @configuration_group_id, 23, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Max products', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_MAX_PRODUCTS', '0', 'Default = 0 for infinite # of products', @configuration_group_id, 24, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Starting Point', 'GOOGLE_BASE_START_PRODUCTS', '0', 'Start at which entry (not product_id)?<br />Default=0', @configuration_group_id, 24, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Pickup', 'GOOGLE_FROOGLE_PICKUP', 'do not display', 'Local pickup available?', @configuration_group_id, 25, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\', \'do not display\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Included Categories', 'GOOGLE_BASE_POS_CATEGORIES', '', 'Enter category names separated by commas <br>(i.e. computers,software,televisions)<br>Leave blank to allow all categories', @configuration_group_id, 30, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Excluded Categories', 'GOOGLE_BASE_NEG_CATEGORIES', '', 'Enter category names separated by commas <br>(i.e. computers,software,televisions)<br>Leave blank to deactivate', @configuration_group_id, 30, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Show Weight', 'GOOGLE_BASE_WEIGHT', 'false', 'Include products weight?', @configuration_group_id, 33, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Weight Units', 'GOOGLE_BASE_UNITS', 'pounds', 'What unit of weight measure?<br />pounds OR kilograms', @configuration_group_id, 33, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'pounds\', \'kilograms\'),'),
    (NULL, 'Product Type', 'GOOGLE_BASE_PRODUCT_TYPE', 'top', 'Use top-level, bottom-level, or full-path as product_type?', @configuration_group_id, 34, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'top\', \'bottom\', \'full\'),');
    and finally open up phpmyadmin and go to the table "configuration_group", click on "show" and find the entry
    Google Base Feeder Configuration, change the language_id to your personal language_id e.g. 43 for germany, 1 for england/usa ETC.

    this is to display the configuration in the admin panel !

    now i just have to figure out what a "Documents Feed" is supposed to display O.o
    Last edited by warefare; 20 Oct 2007 at 11:43 PM.

  3. #543
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    Default Re: Google Base Feeder Support Thread

    it creates a feed of your document product types. If you don't have any, don't worry about it...

  4. #544
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    Default Re: Google Base Feeder Support Thread

    I tried to find out why it's not displaying special characters in my xml feed.
    e.g. ü,ö,ä

    Here's my solution

    function zen_xml_sanitizer ($str) {
    		$_strip_search = array("![\t ]+$|^[\t ]+!m",'%[\r\n]+%m'); // remove CRs and newlines
    		$_strip_replace = array('',' ');
    		$_cleaner_array = array(">" => "> ", "&reg;" => "", "®" => "", "&trade;" => "", "™" => "", "\t" => "", "    " 
    => "");        
    		$str = html_entity_decode($str);
    		$str = strtr($str, $_cleaner_array);
    		$str = preg_replace($_strip_search, $_strip_replace, $str);
    		$str = strip_tags($str);
    		$str = eregi_replace("[^[:alnum:][:space:].,!()'-_/+=?]", "", $str);
    		$str = htmlentities($str);
    		$str = str_replace('&amp;amp;', '&amp;', $str);
    		return $str;
    $str = eregi_replace("[^[:alnum:][:space:].,!()'-_/+=?]", "", $str);
    $str = htmlentities($str);
    $str = str_replace('&amp;amp;', '&amp;', $str);

    Could that create another bug ? My XML file looks fine so far.

  5. #545
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    Default Re: Google Base Feeder Support Thread

    thank u for the quick replay
    I tried warefare's first solution but still I keep getting the php urls and not my new Magic SEO urls... I couldn't find any plcae to chnage the language in phpmyadmin but I think it is set fine, I see it in english as I want....

    Anyway, any other solution?

  6. #546
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    Vancouver, Canada
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    Default Re: Google Base Feeder Support Thread


    Do the php urls work?

    If so, then why do you care if the url's are in SEO format? This is for linking from Google Base and has nothing to do with search engines. For SEO, all that matters are the page URL's that are indexed.

  7. #547
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    Default Re: Google Base Feeder Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by YairOz View Post
    thank u for the quick replay
    I tried warefare's first solution but still I keep getting the php urls and not my new Magic SEO urls... I couldn't find any plcae to chnage the language in phpmyadmin but I think it is set fine, I see it in english as I want....

    Anyway, any other solution?
    Deinstall Magic SEO Urls
    Install Ultimate SEO URLs
    => follow the instructions in the readme (there is a configuration thingy you have to set, although I think it was causing problems)

    => follow my constructions and replace the function as stated above (zencart_sanitize_xml)

    .. now you've got nice seo url's in your xml file
    oh and don't forget to define the special characters in the seo mod configuration

    ä => ae, ü => ue, ö => oe, ß => ss etc. !

  8. #548
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    Default Re: Google Base Feeder Support Thread

    Hey there

    Quote Originally Posted by numinix View Post

    Do the php urls work?

    If so, then why do you care if the url's are in SEO format? This is for linking from Google Base and has nothing to do with search engines. For SEO, all that matters are the page URL's that are indexed.
    I still see pages with the old php urls indexed in google, and sometimes google and even some other visitors are looking at pages with php urls (I don't know how they are doing it, I can't do it...)

    Are you sure that google and no other search engines are looking at those links for indexing?

  9. #549
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    Default Re: Google Base Feeder Support Thread

    I have just installed and run. I get no errors but this is all that is in the file generated.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <rss version="2.0" xmlns:g="">
    - <channel>
    <title>Funky Moose</title>

    I must have missed something somewhere as I have over 1500 products that should be in the feed.

    Any ideas?


  10. #550
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    Default Re: Google Base Feeder Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RobM View Post
    I installed this yeterday and everything went OK.

    Just went into Tools > Google Base Feeder and tried to create a product feed.

    I'm getting the following error:

    Google Base Feeder v.1.5.3 28.08.2007 10:25 started 2007/10/17 11:11:02
    Feed file - /home/httpd/vhosts/
    Processing: Feed - Yes, Upload - No
    1054 Unknown column 'p.products_upc' in 'field list'
    [SELECT p.products_id, p.products_model, pd.products_name, pd.products_description, p.products_image, p.products_tax_class_id, p.products_price_sorter, p.products_upc, p.products_isbn, s.specials_new_products_price, s.expires_date, GREATEST(p.products_date_added, p.products_last_modified, p.products_date_available) AS base_date, m.manufacturers_name, p.products_quantity, pt.type_handler, p.products_weight, p.products_condition, p.products_category FROM products p LEFT JOIN manufacturers m ON (p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id) LEFT JOIN products_description pd ON (p.products_id = pd.products_id) LEFT JOIN product_types pt ON (p.products_type=pt.type_id) LEFT JOIN specials s ON (s.products_id = p.products_id) WHERE p.products_status = 1 AND p.product_is_call = 0 AND p.product_is_free = 0 AND pd.language_id = 1 ORDER BY p.products_id DESC]
    Is the 1054 Unknown column 'p.products_upc' in 'field list' likely to cause a problem?

    When I go to upload the feed I get the following error message:

    Google Base FTP content:
    Connected to:
    Connection failed:
    Any ideas?



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