I buyed a template from template monster, but after the changes we have made to this template we have a problem with hover menu. Now the menu must be on 2 rows as seen here:

Here you can find how it looked before:

The question is : Can we delay the drop down of the menu on mouse over?

This is how includes/templates/theme592/jscript/jscript_xdropdown_menu.js looks like:

//script added by Get Em Fast Web Designs
var isAnimating = false;
var $toClose = null;

$(function () {
$('#dropMenu .level1 .submenu.submenu').hover(function() {
if (!isAnimating) {
$(this).find('ul.level2,.level3 li,.level4 li,.level5 li,.level6 li').stop(true, true).slideUp(500);
$(this).find('ul.level2,.level3 li,.level4 li,.level5 li,.level6 li').stop(true, true).slideDown(200);
isAnimating = true;
}, function() {
$toClose = $(this).find('ul.level2,.level3 li,.level4 li,.level5 li,.level6 li');
$($toClose).stop(true, true).slideDown(500);
$($toClose).stop(true, true).slideUp(200);
$toClose = null;
isAnimating = false;
}}, 200);

Can anyone help? Thank you.