
I am trying to customise my Zen Cart install to create a couple of new product_types in the same way that you have added the product_music type. I am having trouble with it to be honest.

I managed to copy the code for adding new Record Companies and rejig it to allow me to add Product Materials to a new table in my database, with a few hours of messing about, creating new language files and adding to existing files its all finished and working.

Now I copied the file product_music.php to /admin/product_body_jewellery.php and in an attempt to create a new product type entry page where I could customise it further to allow me to have a product type that has product material and product body part options. Unfortunately, at this stage I am unsure what to do...when I try to access my new file some of the page content including header, etc is displayed but after a little while I redirected in what appears to be a redirecting loop.

Can you tell me what the coding requirements are for setting up a new product type so that I can tinker and try and get a grasp of how this works. I think it is best that I try to implement the product_type that I require in the ZenCart and submit it to yourselves for possible inclusion of new releases rather than bombard you with requests to implement it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :).