
I'm configuring a 1.3.7 cart shipping area. They want to use the table rate with zones, because they have a specific shipping code. the problem is not the actual configuration, but they have a set of areas that they do not ship to. I included these "codes" in the area that says, "
Skip Countries, use a comma separated list of the two character ISO country codes" --

By doing this, would these States/Countries be blocked from shipping? It doesn't seem to work as instead it configures all of those states and regions as international shipping fees. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong or else "skip countries" doesn't block shipment or the order from continuing?

For example, say if someone orders from say "Tennessee" and that state is listed in the skip countries -- wouldn't it skip that state and not allow the shipment? Or how could I set something like that up or is it even possible? I'm banging my head on this one...thanks as always for your help on these issues....
