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Hybrid View

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Plugin Contributions

    Default layout help needed, including some IE/FF issues

    ok first id like to say that the community here is excellent and i thank you all for your help and time..(probably the best experience ive ever had on a forum and that even includes with paid scripts...Awesome!)

    aside from the fact that zen cart is absolutely excellent... and well written .. cheere to the zen cart team!

    so heres my little problem

    if you look in ie 7 it looks great!

    but if you could take a look with fire fox and or ie6 or older..

    you'll see that on these other browsers/versions the header is seperated largely from the body.

    also one more reson for me to bang my head on my keyboard is the excessive nav bars in the body of the page

    i like this one "Home :: Candles :: Candle 1 "

    but if you click the category "candles"

    youll see the addition of "Home :: Candles :: Candle 1
    under this..which is kind of over kill and i think it pushes the page down

    also id like the side nav on the left in the invisible box to be aligned top but in my css. it looks as they are all set to "verticle-align:top".. i may have missed one so whats that under in the stylesheet or is there something else keeping it spaced down in the page..

    thx in advance..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: please help!

    heres my .css maybe this will help! :)
    body {
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    	background-color: #ffffff;

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dartmouth, NS Canada
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: layout help needed, including some IE/FF issues

    I can maybe get you started...

    i like this one "Home :: Candles :: Candle 1 "
    but if you click the category "candles"

    youll see the addition of "Home :: Candles :: Candle 1

    under this..which is kind of over kill and i think it pushes the page down
    You have Categories-Tabs Menu turned on, which duplicates your categories in a row across the top of the page. Then you also have Breadcrumbs turned on, which is giving you that extra line of links below the category tabs. I too found that to be a bit much so I turned off the category tabs. You might want to try that, since you've got all the categories in their left sidebox anyway. You can find these settings in admin/configuration/layout settings.





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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR