This is how I wanted to fix it, but it aint working:

File attributes.php

line 62:

$sql = "select stock_attributes from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK .
" where products_id = '". (int)$_GET['products_id'] . "'" .
" AND quantity = '0'";

$products_attributes_stock = $db->Execute($sql);
$products_attributes_outofstock = array();
$products_attributes_outofstock[] = '61';
while (!$products_attributes_stock->EOF){
$products_attributes_outofstock = array_merge($products_attributes_outofstock, explode(",", $products_attributes_stock->fields['stock_attributes']));

line 121:

if in_array($products_options->fields['products_attributes_id'], $products_attributes_outofstock)) $products_options->MoveNext();

First of all I make a array of attributes that are missing, and search that array later in the products_options loop, and if the value exists skip to the next :)

Ok so this has lots of bugs namely the if in line 121 should be replaced with WHILE in case the next one is missing as well, but there is something generally wrong with this whole idea :)

I need someone to snap me back to reality and tell me what have I been doing wrong

Cheers !!!