Because of some problem I'm having trying to delete products I've been looking at the Debugg files in the cache folder .

So I got to looking at the files and thought I'd post up and see what this stuff means.

I get this message:
[26-Mar-2011 11:23:56] PHP Warning: preg_replace() [<a href='function.preg-replace'>function.preg-replace</a>]: Unknown modifier 'N' in /home/MYSITE/public_html/includes/modules/CUSTOMTEMPLATE/main_product_image.php on line 17
I open the file listed and look at line 17
$products_image_base = preg_replace('/'.$products_image_extension . '$/', '', $products_image);
I don't see this alledged "N" modifier.

So what's the skinny? Do need a special Astrology Decoder Mood Ring or sumthin' to make this mysterious "N" modifier appear before my tired bloodshot eyeballs.

More importantly, how does one go about correcting this invisible "N" modifier problem, thingy.... do-dad?