Hi I have googled and searched forum to find out how to make the navbarBreadcrumb fit 100% of the page and sit above the left and right sideboxes.

I did find one mention of customising tpl_main_page.php and have looked at this file but most of it I cant understand.

Site ishttp://www.fusionherbsorganics.com.a...=index&cPath=1

I am also trying to get the images in the left sidebox to be centred.
I understand that I am meant to target .sideBoxContentItem a img and this class does not exist in stylesheet .. so should I make it up/add it? I use firefox developers toolkit with the outline>current element to find the names of the various elements.

Is this the convention for styling in the stylesheet when the class does not exist? Have I confused myself .. it wouldnt be the first time lol.

Also if I want to move the log in from the top of the page to one of the sideboxes do I install this mod login_box_1.6.


PS have zen cart 1.3.9h and have template override system in place.