Afternoon all

Have set up a new hosting (3 year old website) and will be transfering to it soon.

had someone move it over for me due to me going on holiday for a few weeks and i have been creating a new look etc. the products and customer base was moved over

the database was moved from 1.3.8.a to 1.3.9h (where i think the problem is)

well im trying to access ez pages in admin and getting the following

1146 Table '******_zc1.TABLE_EZPAGES_TEXT' doesn't exist
[select count(*) as total from zen_ezpages e, TABLE_EZPAGES_TEXT et where e.pages_id = et.pages_id and et.languages_id = '1']

and way of getting this to work as currently i do want to use ez pages in the header and this is kinder stopping that