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I did not do the original install of the product but have tried to dig thru finding where 'stuff' lives. I can add products with no problem but if I need to make a change to the html page to add info or change what's displayed; I have a terrible time trying to find the suckers! I've been looking for a specific page for a couple of hours now and still have not found it!!! How the heck do you find the path to the different html files that make up each page that is displayed on the website? It should NOT be this hard to find something, what am I missing that makes this task so difficult?????? Please someone, enlightened me.
I want to upgrade to the newest version but reading the doc files, I'm not sure I want to tackle this but know it has got to be done. I'm not a newbie to webdesign but this is my first shopping cart and I am quickly becoming overwhelmed with the enormity of doing this upgrade. Especially when it's so difficult just finding the files I need!!!
Oh shoot! I failed to tell details. Using V1.3.0 on a Windows Server, yea I know, it's a very old version....hence why I'm looking into upgrading to the newest version.