Quote Originally Posted by firstcapitalfirearms View Post
I am trying to delete the Gift Cert FAQ and the Discount Coupons from the footer. I am looking at the tutorial and am somewhat confused. I am trying to exactly figure out what I need to delete and then do I only input ie, ('GVFAQ', ''); or is it Define('GVFAQ', ''); I also would like to know where I can delete the Gift Cert FAQ and Discount Coupon on the main page sidebox. I can't seem to find it in the Zen Cart Admin area.


You need to remove the code for the Gift Cert FAQ and the Discount Coupons from the includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/cambridge_pro/footer_menu_defines.php file --don't forget to remove the constants toward the bottom of the file.

To remove Gift Cert FAQ and Discount Coupon links in the sidebox, please do a search on the forum as this question has been asked and answered many times and is not template specific.

