I am going to upgrade from 1.39 to 1.51 and I am also going to change the entire layout/template from my custom one (that I did myself on the fly) to a template package, Prestion Elite is the one I'm looking to install. I want to get rid of all my old changes to colors, add ons everything. All the old changes to the codes etc. can go. The only thing I want to keep is my store data, database, customers, orders etc........

I am backing up my site right now to both my computer and server and will be backing up the database also in just a few.

Do I do the "upgrade" or choose the "rebuild my site on the new version, instead of upgrading" OR is there an easier way to go if I'm just going to change the whole look and layout anyways. As I said, I just want to keep the database. But since I will be changing templates, no need to worry with all of that mess I made the first time around (and boy did I make a mess with it) but it has functioned well, but it's time for it to go......
here is my site:
Looks like the rebuild site on the new version is the way to go, but thought I'd ask someone with way more experience than myself~
Thanks so much in advance.