I’ve combined ZenTagCloud with jQuary AwesomeCloud to make ZenAwesomeCloud…

Decided it was too many changes to call it an update, thus the new sidebox.

Besides the sidebox, I also included a page based on the about page as a demo or as an add in for another page… this page is not needed if all you want is the sidebox.

AwesomeCloud has 7 shapes it can do and different settings which I’ve setup an admin config page so you can easily change things. Also has the ability to add your own list of tags. AwesomeCloud has problems with some jQuary scripts like uispinner. If for some reason script has an issue, it defaults to a standard tag cloud.

There’s some more things I wanted to do, but my computer died so will be rebuilding things.

The download is now available in the add on section…

No changes to core files, tested with ZC 1.5.4 only.. PHP 5.4 and 5.5
Running live on my site.