I installed plugin 'editable_center_boxes' some time back and had issues so uninstalled it using uninstall.sql however have been getting this error message ever since - every 6 seconds and it is taking up a lot of inodes space causing all sorts of issues. (support thread is unsupported hence posting here)

I tried deleting the template file referred to in the error message but that caused havoc with the site template overall so it obviously interacts with template core files.

What solution can be offered please? simply edit out line 20 or will that cause other issues?

log error (old saved copy)

[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_1 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_2 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_3 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_4 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_5 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_6 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_7 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_8 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_9 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_1 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_2 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_3 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_4 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_5 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_6 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_7 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_8 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
[06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_9 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20

template referred to

* /includes/templates/your_template/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php gjh42 2012-10-15
* Editable Centerboxes by C. Jones, Glenn Herbert

if ($this_is_home_page or !MIDDLEBOX_HOME or $box_loc == 8 or $box_loc == 9) {
$column_box_default = 'tpl_box_default_center.php';
$middleboxes_group = array();
for ($i=1; $i<=9; $i++) {
if (constant('MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_' . $i) == (int)$box_loc) $middleboxes_group[] = $i;
if (sizeof($middleboxes_group) > 0) {
echo "\n\n" . '<!-- BOF Middlebox Group ' . $box_loc . ' -->' . "\n" . '<div id="navColumnMiddleWrapper' . $box_loc . '" class="navColumnMiddleWrapper">';
for($ix=0; $ix<sizeof($middleboxes_group); $ix++) {
$box_no = $middleboxes_group[$ix];
echo ' <div class="middleboxContainer" id="middlebox_' . $box_no . '">';
$middlebox_name = constant('FILENAME_DEFINE_MIDDLEBOX_' . $box_no);
$sidebox_name = constant('SIDEBOX_MIDDLEBOX_' . $box_no);
$sidebox_filename = $sidebox_name . '.php';
if ($sidebox_name and (file_exists(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $sidebox_filename) or file_exists(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/' . $sidebox_filename))) {
$box_id = zen_get_box_id($sidebox_filename); //sidebox handling
if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/' . $sidebox_filename) ) {
require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/' . $sidebox_filename);
} else {
require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $sidebox_filename);
} else { //defined middlebox output
echo ' <h3>' . constant('BOX_HEADING_MIDDLEBOX' . $box_no) . '</h3>' . "\n" . ' <div class="middleboxContent">';
require zen_get_file_directory(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $_SESSION['language'] . '/html_includes/', $middlebox_name, 'false');
echo ' </div>' . "\n";
echo ' </div>' . "\n";
echo '</div>' . "\n" . '<br class="clearBoth" />' . "\n" . '<!-- EOF Middlebox Group ' . $box_loc . ' -->' . "\n\n";