I installed Email Address Exporter (https://www.zen-cart.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=6) on ZC version 1.5.5a. Very simple and works great, its a great program. The only problem is I have 23 customers (we know all of them), but there is no option to export all of them. The options left are:

  1. All newsletter subscribers - 14
  2. Dormant Customers last 3 months - 1
  3. Active Customers in Last 3 months (subscribers) - 8
  4. Active Customers in Last 3 months (Regardless of subscription status - 17
  5. Administrator - 1
  6. Customers how have never made a purchase - 5

I get 23 if I add #1, #2, and #4 together. But that would require downloading 3 files and then merging them together. Is there an option where I could just export ALL 23 of the addresses in my customers account?