Quote Originally Posted by spminis View Post
As an FYI. I started to install this template (ZC version 1.56c clean install ) and as soon as I switched templates in the admin file I got an error message and couldn't get back. I reinstalled Westminster, file by file to see where the issue was. The file that was causing the problem is in admin/includes/autoloaders/config.westminster.new.php. I removed that file and it seems to be working (so far). It looks ok on the computer but I haven't checked other devices. I just wanted to let you know that file was an issue for me. Is it absolutely essential? Any reason why it was an issue?
The installation instructions have changed. You need to see the readme.html file:

1. Upload the files
2. log into your admin (or click on the home button if you are already logged in)
3. install the flexible footer menu (tools--install flexible footer menu)
4. select the template
5. reset the sideboxes

