
After reading the information you posted I tested my site with Chrome and intermittently I could duplicate the problem.

Then I followed your instructions to make the changes to the 2 init_sessions files and create the samesite_cookie.php and uploaded them to the site. On the first try I had copied the changes into the old files.

The error still occured but now with the samesite_cookie file loaded the site would not let you log back in, if I remove that file then login works again. Thinking about it I decided I had probably made an error in the cut and paste on the init_sessions files so I took the information you had provided and pulled the raw file and made a complete new file. But the results were the same.

I then though maybe the problem was because I had used the same login that I first tested with so I logged out and closed and reopened the browser but that did not help. Then I rebooted the system and tried still no change. I also cleared cache and tried.

I have multiple sites getting the error and get multiple errors daily.

Is there anything you can see that I have done wrong or that I am missing? Any and all help would be appreciated.