Hey guys! I need some javascript advice. This works fine under 1.5.7 but no longer with 1.5.8a.

In 1.5.7, I had some custom buttons on my orders.php page. When I clicked the button, it would auto-populate the Comments box so I could easily send a status message to a customer without typing the same personal message.

For example, I had a button called "24 Hours" and when I would click it, it would use an onClick Javascript command to auto-populate the comments field with a detailed message (something like, "We are currently processing your order and we expect your items to ship within the next 24 hours.").

I did this with this simple line of code:

<input type="button" name="24Hours" Value="24 Hours" onclick="javascript:document.statusUpdate.comments.value='We are currently processing your order and we expect your items to ship within the next 24 hours.'">
However, with 1.5.8, there is now a WYSIWYG editor, and I am not able to figure out how to send the onClick text to that kind of object. Can you help?

I tried this but it's not working:

<input type="button" name="mybutton" Value="Test"  onclick="javascript:document.statusUpdateForm.comments.value='My example message here'">
I see the actual form name has changed between versions (from statusUpdate to statusUpdateForm), but I don't know how to access the comments box within that object.

If I can just figure out how to auto-populate text to the current Order Comments box with a click of a button, I can do the rest.

Any advice on how to do this?