
Using a basic 1.5.8a installation and PHP8.2 I am trying to get some extra information to be displayed on the ZC invoice.

Reading through the odd old thread I see that the info needs to be placed, at the time of the order, to the orders/orders_products table.

I need to get data from the CUSTOMERS table (named customers_qfcode) and from the PRODUCTS table (named products_qfcode).

I have created a field in ORDERS for the customers_qfcode and a field in ORDERS_PRODUCTS for the product_qfcode.

So far, so good.

What I cannot get to work is includes/classes/order.php to populate the ORDERS / ORDERS_PRODUCTS fields when an order is placed.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

I have tried replicating what's in the $sql_data_array = (around line 897) but just get blank pages.

Would appreciate any help.