Comparing files with a tool like Winmerge is easy but when it comes to database...

To compare structures changes in Zen Cart tables between two ZC versions or between a default version and a cart with lots of plugins can be pretty hard.

I found a way to compare two tables using MySQL derivated tables. It might be usefull to others, so here it is:
This query compares tables 'customers' from two different databases (here 'vanilla' and 'prod').

SELECT column_name,ordinal_position,data_type,column_type FROM 
( SELECT column_name,ordinal_position, data_type,column_type,COUNT(1) rowcount FROM information_schema.columns WHERE 
( (table_schema='vanilla' AND table_name='customers') OR (table_schema='prod' AND table_name='customers') ) 
GROUP BY column_name,ordinal_position, data_type,column_type HAVING COUNT(1)=1 ) A;
Try it by changing tables and databases names.
The result is a table containing differences bettween the two compared tables.

By the way I would like to know how do you do this kind of comparaison. Is there a specialized tool I don't know of?
Tested on ZC 1.5.8a database, PHP 8.1 and MySQL 8.034