PHP Version: 8.0.30
Database Engine: MySQL 8.0.34

So I am a total noob and unfortunately I am regretting my decision to upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to 8 because of a notification I received from my host that 5.7 would no longer be supported by the end of this month. Anyways I ran my server's compatibility test and everything seemed ok. (There were 2 errors that it detected and warnings but otherwise said that it should be ok to update.)

innodb_support_xa - is set and will be removed
query_cache_size - is set and will be removed

So here's the issue: Since the update, I have noticed that some of the products that I am uploading using the latest version of easy populate are not ending up in the right category and sometimes ending up in multiple categories. Easypopulate is not throwing any errors so there are no logs to look at. Out of 5 new products I uploaded at least one of the products end up like this. The rest are in their correct place. I checked to see if the database needs repair and it shows that everything is ok.

I'm not sure where I should start so I can troubleshoot this. Appreciate your guys' help!