v1.5.7b php7.3

In composing emails in Admin/Tools/Send Email, once sent I am getting the customers first and last name in the email salutation however I am also getting as the very next line 'Dear Customer', so for example the email reads 'Dear Joan Smith' and immediately below says 'Dear Customer', the first is personalized as it should be, the second is generic - looks unprofessional with both.

For the life of me I cannot find where to edit this - have tried email_extras.php and email_template_default.html (and other email templates) and did some searches in Developers Tool Kit but cannot see where to edit salutation for sending emails. Salutation can be selective in account set up via Admin/Configuration/Customer Details/Email Salutation but that appears to be unrelated to the double up issue. Unfortunately the FAQ's didn't help me specifically.

Would appreciate some help please.

cheers, Mike

p.s. same subject posted in General Questions but poor title with typos which I cannot change (or delete)