NB. As mentioned earlier, you can’t set the dimensions of the large image in ZC – not in 1.2.1d anyway – but it will display at the dimensions you upload it, although you may have to tweak the javascript file for the pop-up window to open at the size you want. The file you need to edit is /includes/modules/pages/product_info/jscript_main.php. In the function popupWindow(url) change width= and height= to your sizes. (You can also decide whether or not you want scrollbars by setting scrollbars=no or scrollbars=yes.) Then save the file to includes/modules/YOUR_TEMPLATE/pages/product_info/
I'm still having difficulty getting my images uploaded and working properly. I have them saved as jpg even though they are not photographs. They are images that I have created in Paint Shop Pro and originally saved as bmp then resaved as jpg. They are 179x290 or smaller. I have enlarged them for the large size to be 350 high. The original size I'm using for the _MED and I resized them smaller to be 80 wide.

I'm following the tutorial ad quoted above where he says the file to edit /includes/modules/pages/product_info/jscript_main.php. When I downloaded that file and tried to edit it, there is nothing at all in it. So what else am I supposed to do to get the _LRG to enlarge. They still just come up to the same size as on the product info page.

I'd really appreciate some more help on this....guess I'm just a little dense. This is all really new to me.

Mellany ::frust