Okay I am back but this time with a different issue:

What exactly is the line of code for in /include/module/meta_tags.php?
PHP Code:
$meta_tags_over_ride false
What I am trying to do is override the html_header.php for the index page.

I created a folder in my custom template folder for index and modified html_header.php and placed it. Basically, the only thing I changed was the description tag for the main page.

When I navigated to the main page everything worked fine. However if I clicked on a category, the description tag that is displayed for the category is the one for the index not the custom description set on the admin side.

I have a reason to believe it might have something to do with the case statement for "index" in the meta_tags.php but I don't know what's going....

Help please! I really don't care how I get there...I just want a custom description tag for my home page.
