
I am new to ZenCart and appreciate any help that is offered.

I seem to be having a problem with listings where there is only one of a specific product listed (eg. a collector baseball card). I changed the settings for that product to only a maximum of 1 card allowed per customer, and a product quantity of 1 in the Product Settings page for that product to avoid the problem of having more than one customer try to purchase the card, get billed for it, pay for it, and then find out that the other guy bought it before them. The heading on that product page in the store front shows "Max: 1", but in the "Add:" field, the shopping cart allows me to add as many as I want and proceeds to checkout with more than what is acutually available or allowed to the customer purchasing that product - as there is only one of that product available.

I was just wondering if there is a way to avoid this?, and in addition, if there is a way to have the product (since there is only one) deleted from the database as soon as the transaction is completed?

Thanks so much in advance for all of your help!

In Christ,
